skigod377 wrote:
Dragon Master wrote:
skigod377 wrote:
Dragon Master wrote:
It’s been a day (well almost) and I STILL NEED this one to go with my Green Gold SK
This is not the dragon you are looking for.
your feble mind tricks will not work on my young Skywalker. I have the power of the Dragon ForceInsert heavy breathing
My SK needs a BF even if he is much smaller then she is
Bwaahahahhaa! I have the power of SPELL CHECK! 😛
BUT!! I have told you I’m not a typist and I’m doing thsi from work and do noe think I really should be on here so sorry for the typos. I left to get food and my 3rd level manager was in the parking lot in hie BMW and he is normally NOT here on Saturdays. I need to be careful.
BUT it is supposed to be your mind tricks will not work mo ME not MY