Ok…My vent

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      Aieee! That’s pretty nasty stuff to have to deal with WSC! 😮 Sounds like you’re facing it well, though. Best of luck with everything.

      Barrdwing, starting with ‘stunned raccoon’ that’s the most glorious string of metaphors I’ve heard in a long time. We really need an applause smiley.


      Thanks, Maplecarver. 😳 Foosh, that woman made me so mad!


      Barrdwing wrote:

      Criminy, WSC, what a nightmare! 🙁 That woman is the biggest dang fool ever: bad enough she plays games like that, but doing so in a small town? She must be about as quick on the uptake as a stunned raccoon. Now she’s got an entire community of people who know exactly what kind of small-minded thief she is, the IRS breathing down her neck for the rest of her miserable days, and she not only burned her bridge with her husband, she doused it with gasoline and then hit it with napalm. She’s completely destroyed her support structure–boy is she in for a world of hurt. She deserves it. It’s amazing how hard-headed some people are, refusing to admit that they’re doing something wrong; well, she’s lined herself up for a nice big wrecking ball that’s going to keep coming back at her for a long time. I sure hope the message gets through this time.

      I’m sure glad that there’ve been some rays of hope regarding your employment, and also glad to hear that the husband is smart enough to let that peabrained soon-to-be-ex of his take her medicine from the people she’s hurt. I agree with LadyFirebird: he was probably standing just within earshot the whole time thinking “Ooo! That was a good one! Yeah! Truth hurts, don’t it!” 😡 Now we just have to hope that he really does sever all ties with her; she’s bound to try to drag him down with her if she possibly can. Nasty git.

      Wishing you the best of luck through all of this!

      I do love reading your posts-you always seem to know exactly what to say! 😛

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