Ok…My vent

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    Yeah…Well, I got some poor news this weekend. My mother who lives in a town 12 miles away called me this weekend to let me know one of her lovebirds passed on. He was actually her first bird quite a few years back, and it was sad to hear of him passing. But, while on the phone with me she told me my place of employment is closing down… 😮 I told her she was full of poo. 😛
    Um…Turns out that even after I asked my boss’s wife about it, and she sorta blew it off like it was rumor, which is what my mom’s home town is known for, ( and that is part of what really got me going…Her letting me think my mom was full of it 😡 ) its true!
    Well, let us go back about 4 years…Seems that the wife has been doing the books. Hey we all like to collect Windstones, and spend our fair share of money here, right? But would you pocket all the Federal, State, and Social Security your employees are paying out (And getting no credit on our SS statements) and go on trips, and shopping sprees that range from $1000 to $5000 at a shot? I know I would NOT (Or I would have a room full of SKs hidden around here somewhere. 😉 ). Let’s see, the boss finally looks at the books after letting her do them without looking at them at all for this many years…Gee wiz! $35,000 later the IRS comes in talks to her, and this morning they FROZE every dime they have in their accounts which is usually barely enough to pay their employees and keep most of the things we sell stocked up. There are atleast 3 employees who cannot even cash the checks they were to get last Friday. Glad I picked mine up then (Although a secret part of me wished I could take another to my bank and cash it there so I could screw them with the $25 “rubber” fee when it bounced (Which is what I avised one of the other emplyees who has 2 checks held back she hasn’t even cashed yet. I told her, “Take them both to your bank, and cash them for cash…DON’T DEPOSIT THEM!!! Just cash them.) Am I evil? I suppose. 👿 )
    So, tomorrow, there is a good possibility the doors will be locked and I worked the last 3 days for nothing. My mom says to get a lawyer, but who wants to get one so they can pay them a grand to get back around $300-500 bucks? Not me. Although I would like to tap dance on the wife’s whole body after beating her senseless. Now, I am just waiting to find out if there will be any more work for me…But in the foul mood I am in, the wife, who I normally work Fridays and Saturdays with, might not like me to go back there.
    So, it comes down to…Should I go to work, and try my best to keep my temper in control and stress out all night? Or do as my mother says and call in until the IRS slams and locks the doors? Because right now, if I actually saw the wife, I would probably get fired anyway. The worst part is learning that she didn’t even want to hire me after working there almost a year…The saddest part is I AM their BEST cook. Luckily I don’t work tomorrow…I hope they slam those door tomorrow, because I’d hate to be the one doing the slamming around there. 👿



    Oh thats harsh WSC, but what about if all of you guys got together with one lawyer for back pay??


    I was thinking the same thing…I don’t know if the others would be willing to go for that either…Besides with all accounts frozen including their personal accounts, I am not sure how much we would get…*needs rolling eye smiley inserted here*


    Ya I hear ya, it would also depend on how the company was set up, as to weather they would be held libel for the wages. Is the company declaring bankruptcy?


    I honestly don’t know about bankruptcy. The wife is moving away that is all I know. She knows she is screwed I think…


    well FWIW I am sorry you have to go through this, at least you only worked a couple of days, and managed to get your last pay check cashed!! One of the bars here just did much the same thin, the busiest place in town and they had no money…there is no possible way, the new managment company went in and asked the staff to work for nothing until things got settle 😮 .


    XD Now, as early as it is in the morning and as little sleep as I got…I find that hilarious! Now, I know that if they can’t make money, we can’t either, but to ask employees to work for free is some hilarious stuff to me. Frankly, I don’t care what they do here. I cannot live for free either! I cannot ask my bank to hold onto the paper for my house and “I will pay you whenever I can”. Or the electric company to “Please don’t shut off my power, I know I can’t pay you right now, but can you keep working for free?”. Right now, I guess my biggest ache is the fact that they didn’t bother to tell ANYONE but one employee, and she decided we should all know and told us. Under the radar of course. The best part is the wife has a big mouth so when she told a couple people outside work, well you know how wildfires work right? (Geez I love small town living! 😛 ) I am still in awe she denied it to me…Then after she said she would see me lastnight…Right! She was too scared to come into work. 👿
    Luckily for me, as it is, I was working on an Amethyst Oriental, and it appears Starbreeze is such a good person, she is willing to give me the time to pay him off. 😳 I appreciate her more than I could say right now. Scott has promised to help me pay her off, as he knows “that silly purple dragon” means alot to me. (He’s been around my collection since it was only 5 pieces. And as it grew, so did his respect for it, but sometimes he still get the “silly” feeling about them. 😉 )
    So right out here in public, I want to thank Star for everything she has ever done for me…

    (And thank you to everyone else out there that has made my collection a possibility for me…From other forum members (PYO’s Included) to the people who are on Ebay and have had autions I have won. Also, thank you Nirvanacat (thank you for my wonderful BEP OW who still gets the most attention ever), thank you Ski (For the Green Fledgie, and the LONG sought after Purring Cat), thank you to Emerald who is an awesome person to do Layaways with, and The Astral Castle, and Grandiosity…And every little shop I have found something in to add to the 200+ Windstones I do have. Thank you Thank you Thank you!)


      Yeah, work for nothing while the company gets things straightened out! What a laugh! 👿 In other words, be patient while we screw you just a while longer! :negative:

      I was curious, would your state unemployment office be of any help? I remembered someone telling me that if your employer can’t pay you for wages owed, you could file with the unemployment office for those lost wages. Of course, the company will have to pay the unemployment department back. Don’t know exactly how it works, but you could look into that. As far as all the Social Security and other payments they should have been making, sounds like they would be in violation of some Federal law! If the IRS seiges the company and sells the assets, hopefully these payments will be made into the employees Social Security accounts.

      This really stinks all the way around–and is unfortunately typical of these ‘Mom & Pop’ operations. Hopefully, some resoluation will come to you all soon. And the advice of all of you attaining an attorney to represent you all, you could give it a try. At least get some legal counsel and you can make your decision from there. With this economy going downhill like it has been, there are employers who are royally taking advantage of their employees simply because they know there isn’t a whole lot of jobs for them to find! What goes around, comes around and their time will come! 👿


        Oh wow. That totally sucks. I hope you can get something through the unemployment dept.

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          What a nasty situation 👿 👿 👿 I’m so furious for you that I’m tongue tied (finger tied actually, since I’m typing…)

          twindragonsmum 👿



            Man, I’d be pissed!!! 😡


              That really does stink! I’m sorry to hear that. 😡


                Awww….I didn’t do anything that special!! 😳 Don’t worry about the Oriental. I’ll hold it for as long as you need. It’s not going anywhere except to your house. 😉

                On the other hand, I have a few words I’d like to say to you boss’ wife!!! 😡


                  Awww thanks WSC 😳 And that is crazy about work!!! I hope everyone manages to get paid. What a bummer when the economy is the way it is right now. Finding a new job for all those folks may get a little messy. And what a jerk!!! She probably walks around all polished and pampered while everyone else around her does the real work. :negative:

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