Nutmeg Curled Dragons going into the store at 3 p.m. PST, Aug 3, 2011

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Nutmeg Curled Dragons going into the store at 3 p.m. PST, Aug 3, 2011

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      They do not look exactly like the Toasted Pearl. I don’t think they photograph accurately! I haven’t seen one next to a Serpentine, but I’ll bet the two look really good side by side, like two elegant sophisticated shades of satin fabric…


        I love them all.Big fan of the Curlies. 🙂 {I’m still holding my breathe for a Toasted Pearl Fledgling :bigsmile: } SQUEEK!!

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.


          I love them all.Big fan of the Curlies. 🙂 {I’m still holding my breathe for a Toasted Pearl Fledgling :bigsmile: } SQUEEK!! sorry for double posting and the high jacking 😉

          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
          Male day🤞Dream on.


          So it’s been a little while since I’ve seen a Toasted Pearl curlie, but the main difference (in my eyes) between the Nutmeg and Toasted Pearl is that Nutmegs are coppery while Toasted Pearls are silvery-pearl colored. There is not any white or silver or anything that resembles pearl on the Nutmeg dragons. 🙂 If I had to categorize the two, I would put Toasted Pearls in the same category as more white dragons– like old white, pearl or glacier– while I’d put the Nutmegs closer to Autumn Leaf.

          I dunno if that helps, but the store makes the Nutmeg guys look like they’re just a bad/dark photo of the Toasted Pearl– which isn’t the case at all!

          They are all special snowflakes. Perhaps we should make a Certificate of Difference for those of you with undiscerning family members… lol. 🙂


          Whoops, nevermind! I was hoping that might help people make a decision whether or not to buy one, but they’re already out of stock. 😛 I was worried no one liked them, haha! They are quite pretty, after all!


          Even the store pic didn’t make me think it was very similiar to the toasted pearl. The copper, purple, red and metallic brown made me think it was a beautiful fall like color, and I ordered one ASAP.
          The toasted pearl reminds me of a fancy truffle with the chocolate brown and the silver streaking and gold highlights. Mmmm he might get a name now, “Truffle” the dragon, and it’s probably time for baking too…mmm chocolate


            *cries* I missed out on them 🙁

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