now for some orchid exotics:

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      well i put some of my big catt’s and a few other’s outside from spring after the frost,till fall before the frost,this is my greenhouse in my basement apartment livingroom.highest the temp ever gets is 80,the lowest the temp ever gets is 35,i have been growing for twenty years and i have to say it’s one of my most satisfying hobbie’s 🙂


        Those are beautiful fauxbird! You have a knack for it, orchids can be tricky 😀


          They are beautiful! I have a seriously non-green thumb. 🙁


            fauxbird wrote:

            well i put some of my big catt’s and a few other’s outside from spring after the frost,till fall before the frost,this is my greenhouse in my basement apartment livingroom.highest the temp ever gets is 80,the lowest the temp ever gets is 35,i have been growing for twenty years and i have to say it’s one of my most satisfying hobbie’s 🙂

            That’s a great set up!!!


            it’s no so much as tricky,you need to learn what species and hybrids will do well in your condition’s,or you can change your condition’s to some degree to accommodate them,after twenty years of growing i still kill one every now and then,and there are alway’s some that just don’t grow and bloom well for me,i love angreacums but i have tried them and they alway’s rot on me,im thinking because they like it drier,and i have a more humid growing area.


              love the trichopilia- I’ve never tried one of those, but admired them in species books! Nobiles are a favorite of mine.

              Orchids are EASY to grow! Believe me, I have no money for fancy setups, or time to coddle, and I’m succesful with them (have over 50, and have had the newest one for a few years). I got my first ones at age 8 and was successful with them. (actually, it seems people who try to coddle them kill them, they like to be ignored) I’m in Florida, and I have mostly members of the cattleya and vanda alliances dangling from my trees, growing and blooming happily. I have a few dendrobiums also- nobiles and antelopes. I just water them once a week when it’s dry, and fertilize with Miracle grow maybe 2-3 times a year. I don’t bring them in unless there’s going to be a freeze or a hurricane (some of the vandaceous ones don’t care for cold, nor do the antelope dendrobiums). When I moved up north, the cattleyas and the dendrobiums adjusted well to growing on a windowsill, though the vandas need higher light levels. Phalaenopsis and ppahiopedilums (have a few on the porch) make great indoors lower light level window plants. I would suggest them to anyone interested!


                I’ll take all of them….beautiful!!! 😀


                  They are all so beautiful! I love orchids, but wouldn’t dare try to grow any. I tend to completely ignore my plants. My hubby has taken over caring for and watering the ones we still have.


                  emerald212 wrote:

                  They are all so beautiful! I love orchids, but wouldn’t dare try to grow any. I tend to completely ignore my plants. My hubby has taken over caring for and watering the ones we still have.

                  Orchids are pretty low-maintenance, so if you ignore them they won’t die. 😀 You sound like a cactus person! 🙂


                  i have at this time-19cattleya hybrids 1species,7bulbophyllum species 2hybrids,1mini oncidium hybrid,4phaleanopsis hybrids,1ascocenda hybrid 1vanda species,2dendrobium species 3hybrids,4masdevallia hybrids and 10misc. species,most are fragrant,but i do have a few that are not because there cool,and a few that smell bad 😆 bulbophyllums lucky the bad smellers you have to get up close to the flowers,one smells like a cross of sweat and pee,one smells like rotted meat and the other has a musty garbage smell 😆


                  Ooh, ooh! There’s one flower that’s legendary that blooms every seven years or so, that smells of dead and rotting flesh! I would love to smell that just once! 😀


                  You must be cool and lots of humidity for that masdevalia…I used to have a homemade orchid case and I was doing draculas and a few masdevalias.

                  I liked the butterfly’s too, then I found out they were causing my asthma. I had all mine in the house, and I found out that I am highly allergic to pollen, plants, trees. I had to get rid of them.

                  Here is a Dracula Bella

                  And Dracula Cordobae


                  We have orchids too…I didn’t know so many of you collected them.

                  We have had 4 or our dormant ones decide to bloom this year, after a 2 year break. We have about 15 all told, but 7 are babies, so we won’t see blooms for a couple years yet.



                  I love my orchids! I agree w/Pip & PDC, they do fine being ignored. 🙂 I try to water once a week, but don’t always, and I know they have needed to be repotted for years now, but they keep blooming so I let it slide.

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