Novel Illustrations on DA

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      Wow! That is awesome!! I love that picture. The different dragons are too cool.


        I love that pic GB!!! It’s great to see them all together like that. It’ll certainly give me a better feel for the sizes of the various dragons as I read your book!! 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Finally got another piece added. Not sure how many more will go on before I leave for the States, since I always want Mom’s critique before I post these.

        This took a lot of work, as you can tell. But it’ll be helpful to me – and my readers – to see how big the breeds are comparatively.
        Note the Pittarn’s huge head. I designed these things to be ugly, but I have to say, all that might and muscle is growing on me. I bet they’ll be a favorite of mine. 😀

        I love that picture, I espically love the big dragon on it. 😀


        Adaneth wrote:

        What a delightful size range! (How much does that big one EAT?!) And lovely drawing, too. For myself, I find nothing more rewarding than illustrating my own writings. 🙂

        Probably a whole forest in one day. Good thing he has an entire earth and oceans to supply him. There’s only one of him. He’s a leftover from the time of the Forefathers and the Age of the Sorcerors. (That’s also the explanation for his scars. There’s nothing left now that could take it up with him.)


        Ah, inspiration struck today while I was writing. It only took me about two hours for this critter. I uploaded him to DA, too, if you want a bit of trivia or a bigger picture. Here’s the link:
        He’s not your regular hippocampus, but I think he looks more naturalistic than renditions with actual horse heads. After all, these things may be mammals but they do live in the water. I think they should follow some general marine creature rules. What do you think?


          Very nice!!! I love the “dolphin” look!! I does make sense that a hippocampus would look more like a dolphin than a horse. 😀


          I like it as well.


          Thank you both. I’ll be adding another installment to the story tomorrow, I hope.


            Dang!!! I’m already behind!!! I better plan some reading time tonight!!! 😀


            Aw, thanks, star. Any further critique is very welcome. I’m afraid it’s too chattery right now and there’s not enough action… 😕


              I’ll let you know 😉


              starbreeze wrote:

              Dang!!! I’m already behind!!! I better plan some reading time tonight!!! 😀

              That is my problem, trying to find reading time. Of course I read on here a lot, but it does keep my day interesting.


                Reading on here is what keeps me from reading books, including GB’s. 😆


                Yeah, it does take a lot of time…but I learn more here then anywhere else. 😀


                  Yeah, me too….I learn how to spend my money faster 😆

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