
NO!!! My Momma Ki-Rin!!!! ::cries::

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  • #553167

      I just got a message from Ebay that the listing for the mamma kirin was removed in error and will be reinstated


      You recently had placed a bid on item number(s):

      Windstone Editions Female Unicorn Kir-in Pena

      which had been removed by eBay. After review of this listing, we have found that it was removed in error.

      As a result, we have informed the seller that they may relist their item if they wish to do so. Please feel free to re-bid on this item under the new item number. To locate the new item number, please check the sellers list of items at:


      We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.



      Well thats kinda poopy still, I wonder if lady will geta message saying she cna still buy her?


      What a bunch of crap!!! 👿


        WolfenMachine wrote:

        I just got a message from Ebay that the listing for the mamma kirin was removed in error and will be reinstated


        You recently had placed a bid on item number(s):

        Windstone Editions Female Unicorn Kir-in Pena

        which had been removed by eBay. After review of this listing, we have found that it was removed in error.

        As a result, we have informed the seller that they may relist their item if they wish to do so. Please feel free to re-bid on this item under the new item number. To locate the new item number, please check the sellers list of items at:


        We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


        WHAT?! LadyBrooklyn already won it! That sucks!


          Ok… THAT’S annoying…

          So now I have to REWIN it!?

          I think not…

          I saw the whole family… (though Ski was the high bidder) I’ll go for that or wait for another. ::sighs:: I don’t want to bid on it again and have something happen.

          It must have been a sign… I’ll wait.

          Just glad I hadn’t gotten around to paying for her yet. (was going to try to wait till payday… :lol:)

          EDIT: Wait a minute… I’m confused!!

          That said that they were allowing it to be “relisted”…. and yet… it’s under the auctions that I’ve WON on my ebay….???? WTF!? I’m confused.

          I think I’ll send a message to the seller BEFORE I pay….

          And here I had JUST gotten finished with sending a message to ebay’s customer support about how upset I was over all of this… ::snickers::


          It hasn’t popped up on E-Bay yet – I hope you can still get it without going through the whole wait again.


            What a confusing mess!!!! 😕


              Well I just contacted the seller…

              I’m ASSUMING that since it’s in the auctions I’ve WON… with a “PAY NOW” button… that she’s still mine…

              but I’m not sending any $$ till I hear back from the seller. 😛 This is too annoying… I’m glad I let ebay know how I feel! 😆


                I don’t blame you a bit. 😕


                Sorry to hear that.


                  Good luck, LB, and its sucky about the mess. I hope you get it. Dont feel bad about outbidding me on the family…oh wait… its already happened! Im a seller, it does not bug me to see things go for what they are worth. I only bid a little.


                    Well, I hope you get her LB and that it’s legit. Good luck! 🙂


                    Ebay definately has it’s moments… 😕

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