New horse! Pics on 2!

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      Ok so with your saying she’s got lot’s of hair, I read Nair when I saw Nar!! But then again I am a little bit off, and I know so are a few others out here, with some of the other critter names we all have!! πŸ˜†


      Lupin wrote:

      Ok so with your saying she’s got lot’s of hair, I read Nair when I saw Nar!! But then again I am a little bit off, and I know so are a few others out here, with some of the other critter names we all have!! πŸ˜†

      Hey, speak for yourself, MY pet names were/are normal. Examples:

      E.Q. (stood for earthquake, we got him after one)
      Tank (he was just like one, pushed his way through everything, very strong)
      Sheba (I swear, she thought she was queen of everything)
      Knuckles (favorite Sonic character)
      Rosy (Amy’s-who is also from Sonic-nickname)
      Paddles (he really liked water)
      Serena (calm and serene, great disposition)

      See? Normal. πŸ˜†

      Oh, by the way, Kesare has my vote. It just seems to fit her.


      Naree! You could call her “Ree” for short!


      She’s a good-looking horse, bosky. Congrats again. Good luck settling on a name. πŸ˜†


        Congrats again! I hope she sweetens up with attention.


        Lovely color. I’d love to see shots of her brushed out.
        I know what you mean about the hair. We have five and it looks like a hair blizzard out there after brushing πŸ˜†
        Bred egg*Bred Egg 2*Blue


        I know my buckskins color shade changed so much with the seasons up in NY (when in FL, she never grew in such a deep coat cause she lived most her life in actual NY winter weather that FL was always warm for her- like me). During cold times, her darker hair grew in and she was shaggy. Though it was proper, when she was clipped for horse show season, it was funny to see her half shaggy and half shaved and smooth. Two different tones.

        In warmer weather, she was a warm “honeybear” kind of coloring like light honey. Hence, my email name for those who know it.

        Then during competing when she worked up a sweat, her color changed drastically too. Looked like a different horse in morning classes and another in afternoon and night classes once she has worked all day. I love the color and cant wait to hear what name you choose for her.

        Please click us so we can hatch like our siblings below. We want life and to “see” you!


          So……. is she what is considered a “horse of a different color”? πŸ˜†

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



          I said I would do it and so I have… I named my first born dragon (white one) after “T” in memorandum. He is loved (or if it turns out to be a female, she is loved).


            Yay! Another horse! She’s pretty and I love her face! Have fun with her!
            I vote for the name Vixin.


              I like Sheba. I think it suits her. She’s very pretty.


              PhoenixTears wrote:

              I said I would do it and so I have… I named my first born dragon (white one) after “T” in memorandum. He is loved (or if it turns out to be a female, she is loved).

              Thanks! Temeraire and Absinthe… interesting combination.:lol:


              Well, I think we’ve settled on Nar/Naree. (Naree was my mom’s suggestion instead of Narelle) I almost went with Sahara, but to me that would be an Arabian or at least a sorrel and she’s still such a shaggy beast! πŸ˜†

              We took her to the vet on Wed for her checkup… (supposed to be prepurchase visit)
              The last time I bought a horse, he was supposed to be 17 and turned out to be 25; this time she was supposed to be 10 (as of this summer) and when the vet looked at her teeth he said, “There’s no way she’s 10.” She’s closer to 6! And she’s completely green! The vet said she just doesn’t know anything (including having feet picked up, and stuff like that). The vet said to treat her like a green 3 year old. Better than finding out she’s 10 years older. πŸ˜† Our best guess is that she really was just a brood mare to the guy that owned her originally. Thankfully, she’s at her real home now, and she’ll learn what it is to be loved for herself and not just her genes.


              boskydragon wrote:

              Well, I think we’ve settled on Nar/Naree. (Naree was my mom’s suggestion instead of Narelle) I almost went with Sahara, but to me that would be an Arabian or at least a sorrel and she’s still such a shaggy beast! πŸ˜†

              We took her to the vet on Wed for her checkup… (supposed to be prepurchase visit)
              The last time I bought a horse, he was supposed to be 17 and turned out to be 25; this time she was supposed to be 10 (as of this summer) and when the vet looked at her teeth he said, “There’s no way she’s 10.” She’s closer to 6! And she’s completely green! The vet said she just doesn’t know anything (including having feet picked up, and stuff like that). The vet said to treat her like a green 3 year old. Better than finding out she’s 10 years older. πŸ˜† Our best guess is that she really was just a brood mare to the guy that owned her originally. Thankfully, she’s at her real home now, and she’ll learn what it is to be loved for herself and not just her genes.

              Oh, cool, now we both have young horses we have to train! LOL!



                I’ll have to take pictures of my buckskin right now. She’s almost black.
                She sheds her gold hair first and leaves the sooty behind. Makes it so I can only show her the later part of the year.
                We’re no allowed to clip for the shows πŸ™„ And I won’t put them under lights. I’m also too lazy to blanket πŸ˜†

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