NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!

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    Well we got back from Florida this morning (around 1:00am). I had to work today unfortunately but….afterwards my husband and I went to the toyota dealership and I got a Scion!!!! I’m soooo happy!!! this is my first new car! I’ll have to post pics some other time since the forum is moving. I drove it off the lot with only 13 miles on it πŸ˜†

    Now i just have to figure out what to do with the old one…can’t trade it in…if I do that I’ll be lucky if I get A tire for it. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

    My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


    My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


      Congrats! That is wonderful! Gotta love the new car feel!

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


      It is always a nice thing to get a new car, a new job or a new pet! Congrats! I hope the sale was smooth and you have a good dealer.

      My husband sells cars, and he always tries to make the experience short and sweet. He knows how miserable it is to spend all day dickering about a car.

      Congrats! Hope you get great gas mileage and have a trouble free car. Which Scion did you get? The car or the van?



        Awesome! I hope you love it. May it always give you good gas mileage.


          CONGRATS!! I hope to one day have that brand new car feeling. I’m sure it must be GREAT


            That’s so exciting, congratulations!

            (I should be getting my first brand new car in a few months – glee!)


              Congrats…I love new cars…it`s exciting getting in them and driving them around… πŸ˜‰
              What color is the car ❓



              Congratulations! Toyotas are pretty good cars! I hope you like it!


                Congrats! πŸ˜€

                We got a Camry Hybrid recently…and it’s a good thing because my old Camry utterly died this week T__T Time to donate the poor thing to charity… But heck, we got our monies work at 309,000 miles! Toyotas run FOREVER, I love them so much.

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien


                There is no feeling on this earth quite like that of a brand new car!!! That’s wonderful!!! Congradultions!!! πŸ˜†


                  Congrats, and how was the vacation??


                  Aww I am jealous I LOVE Scions, but the only dealer in Canada, I think, western for sure, is in Vancouver, way tooo far to drive if issues arise. Congrats.


                    Congrats! Getting a new car is always so much fun.

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      That’s awesome!!!! Congrats!!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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