Need Mold Help!

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      costy materials, but interesting to look:

      and speaking of, always rememer your mold release. Friend of mine sealed a beautiful sculpture into a solid block of plaster…


        dragonessjade wrote:

        When I first read the subject, I thought you were asking help for mold in your house. haha. This topic is interesting…learn something new everyday.

        is it bad that I was thinking the same thing initially…

        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        2 great minds think a like. 😉


          The airpump is a very good idea. Maybe one of those vacuum sealer products they seal for keeping food fresh will work, as a cheap alternative.

          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
          Engaged to a Weasel


          Happy Birthday Water!!!!!!!!!!!


            BiPolarBear wrote:

            The airpump is a very good idea. Maybe one of those vacuum sealer products they seal for keeping food fresh will work, as a cheap alternative.

            hmmm… indeed. I wonder if I can get one of them around here… then just to find a fitting uhm.. container. Translucent, incase if I’d ,like, suck out the plaster too in the process 😉
            Anyhow I do plan new figurines for Eurofurence again. It was fun doing the ones last time 🙂


            I know this was an old post, but I was curious if you found anything that will work. 😕 I tried the mould making stuff you mentioned, and I found it’s really better for small, and flattish pieces.

            I’m working on casting a sculpture myself, and I’m going to attempt using the Alumilite brand H3 silicone rubber for the mould, then possibly using a resin/gypsum mixture to cast it in. Not sure if the hydrocal stuff will still give off heat (even though it’s mixed with resin) once you try to paint it.. Hmm.

            Anyways, if you’re still stuck, I would look over Check out their how-to tutorials and stuff. the H3 silicone rubber they sell is great for deep undercuts and negative areas. 🙂


              what kind of plaster are you using?? and witch instruments are you using to stir the plaster? and how is the texture of the plaster when you decide it is good for pouring??

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