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    Hi Melody,

    sorry if this has been asked before but I was just curious if you’ve ever been inspired to paint something based off a nautilus?
    I was imagining a design on a Poad…I think that would be really neat!

    Thank you :).


      abatos wrote:

      Hi Melody,

      sorry if this has been asked before but I was just curious if you’ve ever been inspired to paint something based off a nautilus?
      I was imagining a design on a Poadâ„¢…I think that would be really neat!

      Thank you :).
      Yes, possibly! I love Nautilises. They have markings somewhat like a cuttle fish, with beautiful patterns of stripes.
      Can nautilises change colors like a cuttle fish?


        No, they have a hard shell. They don’t have that special pigment changing skin quality octopi and squid have. The brown strips of a nautilus would look really neat on a dragon too 😀 cough OW cough


        Melody wrote:

        abatos wrote:

        Hi Melody,

        sorry if this has been asked before but I was just curious if you’ve ever been inspired to paint something based off a nautilus?
        I was imagining a design on a Poad™™…I think that would be really neat!

        Thank you :).
        Yes, possibly! I love Nautilises. They have markings somewhat like a cuttle fish, with beautiful patterns of stripes.
        Can nautilises change colors like a cuttle fish?

        Yay, thank you! While watching that Nautilus ‘puff’ itself around in the water on Planet Earth, thought how striking its pattern would look painted on a Poad or other Windstone piece! 🙂


        NicoleH wrote:

        No, they have a hard shell. They don’t have that special pigment changing skin quality octopi and squid have. The brown strips of a nautilus would look really neat on a dragon too 😀 cough OW cough

        That cough sounds like it hurts, you ought to go get that checked out 😉

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