NaNoWriMo 2010

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        It’s almost that time again.

        Whose gonna try to make the 50,000 words with me?


          I’ve wanted to try but i’m rather chicken and dither too much about what i should write about. Everyone seems to have taken all the good ideas and i can’t come up with a new twist to anything either.




          Good luck! 🙂


          i tried that two years ago before i started getting back into art. SOO much fun and such a great challenge.. I totally surprised myself and got about 35,000. Pure drivel, but it was pretty amazing how quick it goes. someday… when the kiddos are in school and i have more free time to do both my painting and writing i’ll give it a go again. good luck!!


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            It’s almost that time again.

            Whose gonna try to make the 50,000 words with me?YAY not this little mammal


            Hey, my mom did that last year…. I’m not a good writer so I won’t participate…. but hope you have fun!

            I just need to tell her to finish her book. I have to say I really enjoyed her stuff so far…. 🙂


              Made my word count for the day — plus 30 words!


              yay!!! keep it up!


                I think it’s official. I’ve not written anything in a week. No way I can make it up with having to get ready for my son’s birthday party next weekend. It’s time to throw in the towel.


                  I so wish I could participate! Just not enough time right now.


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  I think it’s official. I’ve not written anything in a week. No way I can make it up with having to get ready for my son’s birthday party next weekend. It’s time to throw in the towel.

                  noooo!!! keep going!!!! but… i know how stressful kids birthday parties are.. 🙄

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