Name of new color

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    SilverArrow wrote:

    It looks like the green and blues you see in pictures of earth from above.

    That’s what it reminds me of too…the blue green of the sea. How about aquamarine?


    Melody wrote:

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Are you going to keep on calling it hybrid emerald-peacock or are you going to find a single-word name, like all the other color – except for Black & Gold?

    I call them MP’s.

    What does MP stand for?


      Quill wrote:

      I think she meant “arial”, but doesn’t “ariel” mean water?

      I immediately thought of the Little Mermaid when I read that


        Dragon Master wrote:

        Quill wrote:

        I think she meant “arial”, but doesn’t “ariel” mean water?

        I immediately thought of the Little Mermaid when I read that

        Haha! Me too!
        I had a hippocampi (half horse half mermaid for thos who dont know) charachter, years ago, I loved her, and named her Kanoa-Kai. Free one of the-waves. Maybe call the new color Kai? Meh, so far I like Ariel 🙂 Might run into some © issues though :
        *continues to think*


          WolfenMachine wrote:

          Dragon Master wrote:

          Quill wrote:

          I think she meant “arial”, but doesn’t “ariel” mean water?

          I immediately thought of the Little Mermaid when I read that

          Haha! Me too!
          I had a hippocampi (half horse half mermaid for thos who dont know) charachter, years ago, I loved her, and named her Kanoa-Kai. Free one of the-waves. Maybe call the new color Kai? Meh, so far I like Ariel 🙂 Might run into some © issues though :
          *continues to think*

          I do not think you can copyright a name. There are several girls and women around with that name


            Purpeen? Greeple?


              mimitrek wrote:

              Melody wrote:

              dragonmedley wrote:

              Are you going to keep on calling it hybrid emerald-peacock or are you going to find a single-word name, like all the other color – except for Black & Gold?

              I call them MP’s.

              What does MP stand for?

              Em. Pea.


                Melody wrote:

                Purpeen? Greeple?

                Sorry Mel but these all sound strange
                Did you see my suggetion (with some help) of Ariel??


                Melody wrote:

                Purpeen? Greeple?



                  I think that a color name needs to be instantly obvious as a color. “Ariel” is not a color. If I say “this is Ariel colored” nobody who hasn’t read this thread would know what the heck I was talking about.


                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    Melody wrote:

                    Purpeen? Greeple?

                    Sorry Mel but these all sound strange
                    Did you see my suggetion (with some help) of Ariel??



                      Melody wrote:

                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      Melody wrote:

                      Purpeen? Greeple?

                      Sorry Mel but these all sound strange
                      Did you see my suggetion (with some help) of Ariel??


                      OK how much sleep have you had OR not had lately??


                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        Melody wrote:

                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        Melody wrote:

                        Purpeen? Greeple?

                        Sorry Mel but these all sound strange
                        Did you see my suggetion (with some help) of Ariel??


                        OK how much sleep have you had OR not had lately??

                        I meant the sound that goes with this: XP


                          I knew what she meant!


                            My mom suggested Russian Sage. It comes in blue, green and purple! I’m not fond of “sage” as a name for this particular dragon, because when I hear sage, I think of a soft, dusty, dull color, not the bright beautiful color that the “Em pea” is. It reminds me of the sky(I don’t know why!), and funky outter space colors. Call it “Stellar” or “Green Cloud” or hehe, better yet-“Acid Rain” 😈

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