
My Nursery…in progress, IMAGE HEAVY! Updated 12-19!!

Home Forums Miscellany Community My Nursery…in progress, IMAGE HEAVY! Updated 12-19!!

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        What’s left to do?? It looks great the way it is now. πŸ˜€


          I love the animals climbing up the floor lamp πŸ™‚ I wonder what they will do once they get to the light bulb?


            Jasmine wrote:

            What’s left to do?? It looks great the way it is now. πŸ˜€

            Have the baby to go in it of course! πŸ˜†


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Jasmine wrote:

              What’s left to do?? It looks great the way it is now. πŸ˜€

              Have the baby to go in it of course! πŸ˜†

              πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Well that part is kind of a given…and other decorating things…


              Jasmine wrote:

              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Jasmine wrote:

              What’s left to do?? It looks great the way it is now. πŸ˜€

              Have the baby to go in it of course! πŸ˜†

              πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Well that part is kind of a given…and other decorating things…

              Lol, you guys are too funny!!! XD We still have to put the wallpaper border up, and I have to do the letters for his name, lots of little things, all his clothes are folded and away in the drawers, and my hubby wants to steam the rug too. The shelves have to go back on the side of the armoire/dresser too, they’re sitting there right now, and I want to put a shelf up over the dresser thing and put the blocks i mad on it, the ones that are sitting on the topright now, and the closet has to be organized, it just kinda has everything shoved in it for now, to get it out of the way.
              The monkey and cheetah on the lamp pole are too cute, they have magnets in the paws, I feel kinda bad siccing the cheetah on the monkey, but he kept turning the lamp off!! (LOL I’m such a dork!)

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