My new Time Killer!!

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    I have come to the conclusion that Suduko is utterly and completely beyond my capabilities to comprehend. Therefore, I shall now saunter off, repeating over and over to myself that I am good at other things, and try not to think about that horrendous number puzzle ever again.



      You’re not alone, Chessie. I can’t do it either!


        well as it has been stated here everyone has different talents. I’m not sure I would EVER want to try a PYO because I would not want to deface one of Melody’s pieces of art that way.


        Dragon Master wrote:

        well as it has been stated here everyone has different talents. I’m not sure I would EVER want to try a PYO because I would not want to deface one of Melody’s pieces of art that way.

        You never know until you try! I bet with a little practice you’d be able to paint one quite prettily.


          well if I got one it would have to wait a very LONG time before I could get any paint also. I HATE being broke


          hehehe- I usually have a hate-hate relationship with numbers so when I found out I could actually make SENSE of these number puzzles (because I’m GREAT at puzzles) I was so excited!! As to defacing PYO Windstones- I’m all for it and currently I have a $25 gift certificate for Dick Blick so that will buy me red paint, red interference, white paint, and GAC-100- and I have one of the PYO wolves…I shall see how badly I suck at painting soon muhahaha!


          You just leave it up to us to determine whether you actually do suck it up, or whether it turns out to be beautiful art… 😀


          pssssh- ya, but you guys are too nice about stuff and don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings :p


            Its all beautiful! Just some is more beautiful than others.

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