My little Bob needs surgery

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      Hi all,SOLD,Thanks so much for the help.My pup Bob,needs to have eye surgery.They call it “cherry eye.”

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male day🤞Dream on.


        I’ll add to this sale to help poor Bob the 2 unicorns that Bodine painted for me .
        40.00 each . Send her the money and me the postage ( 16.00 each )

        Hey I can try . Pics later .

        Cosmic glittery unicorn 40.00 plus 16.00 postage USA

        Harvest with pumpkins 40.00 with 16.00 postage USA

        If you want both 80.00 and 25.00 postage USA

        This is to help an innocent dog .


          Sasha,that is very sweet of you but please keep your pieces.I have half of it and that is a big start.I will take the rest from Jeff’s paycheck if I need to so don’t worry,my Bob is very loved and will be at the doc Monday morning.His appointment is made.Thanks anyway.Very thoughtful of you though. 🙂

          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
          Male day🤞Dream on.


            Animals are the most innocent on this world . Children too .
            Ok I’m glad you have enough to help him . Good .
            Can’t remove the unicorn posting . No edit button . That happens .


              I’m sorry that I can’t help you with Bob or your sale. Best I can do is think good thoughts and hope he’s going to be OK.

              Life is beautiful.


                awww,thanks! That is very sweet.With all of the well wishes I am sure Bob will pull through just fine.I am concerned with him having to be put to sleep for the operation but what can you do but pray and hope for the best.Thanks everyone.I will post Monday evening after I get him back home. 🙂

                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                Male day🤞Dream on.


                  Surgery for anyone human or animal is stressful . Going under is scary . Your life is in another’s hands . And animals can’t talk back .


                    His surgery got delayed a week.His vet had a family emergency and wasn’t in.Next Monday now.Poor baby,a little longer.

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male day🤞Dream on.


                      Sorry to hear he has to wait a week more .


                        His surgery got delayed a week.His vet had a family emergency and wasn’t in.Next Monday now.Poor baby,a little longer.

                        Aww! Poor lil man! If you were ’round here I’d have ya take him in to our vet, she does such a great job with our dogs!


                          Poor little guy. Does it bother him? The eye, that is, not waiting for the surgery.

                          Life is beautiful.


                          My best wishes for Bob. Our Rusty (the chihuahua) had Cherry Eye in one eye and then in the other – so he’s been thru surgery twice. We have a really great specialist for that in the area. Rusty was pretty young when it happened and luckily he had great results with both surgeries. The worst part was kenneling him after the procedure because he is the world’s worst kennel dog.
                          If you have any questions that I can help answer, let me know. Praying for Bob!


                            Thank you all for the well wishes and the good advice.It doesn’t seem to bother him any except he does protect it when he plays.His surgery is Monday,fingers crossed,and he will be fine.Going to have it tacked back and he is only hopefully all will be well.He and the others here are kennel trained so that won’t be a headache.I just say “kennel up” and they go.Some people think kenneling them is cruel but I must whole-heartedly disagree.My guys love it.They open the doors and go in anytime they want,take naps when they want,it keeps them safe,keeps mother and newborns safe,easy to take out and clean,folds down to travel.To me they are priceless and my guys don’t seem to mind at all.Bob will be fine,I have faith even though a little anxious about him going to sleep for it.
                            Thanks for all of the well wishes for him. 😉

                            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                            Male day🤞Dream on.


                              He will be right as rain before you know it! Cherry eye isn’t a big deal unless you dont do anything about it 😉


                                Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone.I was in tears this morning when I dropped him off worrying about him pulling through.Well,the vet just called and he is doing fine.Resting and I can pick him up in the morning.I am soooo relieved.

                                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                                Male day🤞Dream on.

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