my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28)

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      Awww…dont pick on ruffian. Butterflies can be very scary. They can carry knives and guns and blow torches. They can be evil little creatures.


      skigod377 wrote:

      Awww…dont pick on ruffian. Butterflies can be very scary. They can carry knives and guns and blow torches. They can be evil little creatures.

      Lies, all lies I tell you.




        Awww…dont pick on ruffian. Butterflies can be very scary. They can carry knives and guns and blow torches. They can be evil little creatures.

        uh…ski, where did you see butterflies with knives, guns and blow torches??? 😯


        skigod377 wrote:

        Awww…dont pick on ruffian. Butterflies can be very scary. They can carry knives and guns and blow torches. They can be evil little creatures.

        LMAO, that is so funny because a friend of mine works for the Report a Poacher 1-800 dispatch and we laugh about the evil creatures that people call about. One woman complained that the racoons looked like they were ‘up to something’, WTH are racoons up too? She would not leave her house. We were laughing about the racoon gangs running the streets of Calgary.


          You have not seen it? They have them, I tell you. They are devious little things…looking all inocuous and getting you all off guard…then they STRIKE!


            well…we have little tiny lizards that dart all over the place when you least expect it…haven’t seen their blow torches yet… πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


            I just have to say that I saw some nature show when I was a kid, like 4 or so and it was about butterflies and their tounges, it gave me nightmares. They are almos tthe only nightmares I can remember haveing, I know its irrational, but I know alot of people afraid of birds, like really birds?


            Just place yourself 15 years ago watching Alfred Hitchcock’s “BIRDS” and you’ll understand THEIR fear…but butterflies- come on ya pansy- they’re little insects with pretty wings (which are inedible I found out in a game called “Worst Case Scenario”).


              I’ll have to admit that “The Birds” terrified me first time I saw it on TV. My mom had a hard time getting me to go outside and play for days and days afterwards!!! I still don’t like flocks of seagulls…:lol:


              See?! So that’s a little more rational- fear of animals that can ACTUALLY cause damage to you.


                have you seen how big some of those seagulls are??? Those beaks could do a lot of damage!!! And god forbid you have any kind of food or they do practically attack you!!! 😯


                WEll- they DO SAY “Be one with nature”…even if that means nature eats you.


                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                  Thanks you guys! ^_^

                  And all i gotta say about butterflies is… “No one EVER suspects the butterfly” πŸ˜‰


                    One of my absolute favorites! They are moths, but same effect. 😈


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