Mother Coiled Dragon Koi & Autumn Leaf GB Show Off Thred 10/19/17

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Mother Coiled Dragon Koi & Autumn Leaf GB Show Off Thred 10/19/17

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      [quote quote=1530898]We have had koirins [kirins painted in koi patterns], are these the koiled mother dragons? [/quote]


      *snerk* Good one!


        I agree it would be cool to see class photos.  Not sure if I can get one but I would love to see all the autumn leaf ones!


        I can’t wait to see what Autumn cutie comes, and, if a deal goes thru a koi cutie also! 😜 The detailing and color combinations on these grab bags are amazing! I really want a purpley or orangey Autumn, and a red eyed koi or the livestream one that is all black and bright red. Hm, a tiger one would be pretty rad too..


          My two have arrived and they’re lovely! First up is the Koi. I adore the Halloween colors! I would consider trading her for one of the red & black ones, but that’s pretty much it. She’s more vibrant than her photos show and has gorgeous gold detailing




            And here’s my autumn leaf mother! She’s super vibrant! She’s got too much pink for me, so I’d like to trade her for an autumn leaf or Koi with less pink! I’d also consider unicorns plus cash to make up the price difference.




              Wow! You received yours fast Natasha!
              Really pretty!


                Those are both lovely!

                Mine came today too!

                I’m happy with her and am not big on trading, but might consider it if someone else loves her and has one I like better (I particularly like some of the red and black kois.)



                  Wow that pink is awesome Natasha! The Koi is gorgeous too!!!


                    [quote quote=1531010]Wow that pink is awesome Natasha! The Koi is gorgeous too!!! [/quote]

                    thanks everyone. Pink is definitely not my color so feel free to send any trade offers my way!


                      I got both of mine today I like them. If it is one you love let me know and maybe we can make a trade. I do love red.


                        Natasha, you are always the first to get your package!  So lucky.  Love your autumn girl.

                        phantomess – love your koi!  I think the one I wanted most.  Colors are striking.


                          The Black & Gold is super pretty, Linda! Great grabs!


                            [quote quote=1531016]Natasha, you are always the first to get your package! So lucky. Love your autumn girl. phantomess – love your koi! I think the one I wanted most. Colors are striking. [/quote]

                            Thanks Ann! Yes, I’m always surprised how quick the Priority Mail gets to me! The pink one is up for trade, too!


                            One of my favorite things from the curlie grab bag was trying to ID the stone spheres! A lot of them look to be agates and jaspers; I love the banding.

                            Natasha: your koi’s sphere looks like tiger iron. If some of those bands are metallic in appearance, that’s it!
                            Phantomess: your koi’s is dalmatian jasper!
                            Linda: your autumn leaf’s sphere may be peach aventurine… tough to say.

                            Looking forward to seeing more pics! Close-ups of your dragons’ spheres will help with mineral ID, if you’re curious about it 🙂



                              Natasha, love your pink AL. Gorgeous colors on her.

                              Here’s the koi I received. She’s a beautiful silver and black, but I was hoping for something with a bit of color. She’ll be up for trade for something with more color.

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