More Rainbows?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody More Rainbows?

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      Will there be more rainbow Ows, hatching royalty, SKs, scratchers, and lap dragons? These are the rainbows that are still in the store that haven’t been officially retired and some like the Ow and SK have only been released in (as I remember) small batches. I know a lot of new stuff is being released and you guys are super busy but i’m curious when/if old stuff will be restocked(particularly the rainbow stuff in my case) Thanks for all you guys do at the factory and taking time to answer our questions!!! 🙂


        Will there be more rainbow Ows, hatching royalty, SKs, scratchers, and lap dragons? These are the rainbows that are still in the store that haven’t been officially retired and some like the Ow and SK have only been released in (as I remember) small batches. I know a lot of new stuff is being released and you guys are super busy but i’m curious when/if old stuff will be restocked(particularly the rainbow stuff in my case) Thanks for all you guys do at the factory and taking time to answer our questions!!! 🙂

        I’ll have to check as to what we have retired and what we haven’t, (I can’t remember all this stuff),but I think most large dragons in rainbow are retired. If they are pieces that haven’t been retired in rainbow, it is possible we will paint more.


          Will there be more rainbow Ows, hatching royalty, SKs, scratchers, and lap dragons? These are the rainbows that are still in the store that haven’t been officially retired and some like the Ow and SK have only been released in (as I remember) small batches. I know a lot of new stuff is being released and you guys are super busy but i’m curious when/if old stuff will be restocked(particularly the rainbow stuff in my case) Thanks for all you guys do at the factory and taking time to answer our questions!!! 🙂

          I’ll have to check as to what we have retired and what we haven’t, (I can’t remember all this stuff),but I think most large dragons in rainbow are retired. If they are pieces that haven’t been retired in rainbow, it is possible we will paint more.

          It doesn’t say in the store description they are retired. I would give some body pieces for a rainbow OW or Lap, so it would be amazing if you painted more. 🙂


            And to think that not even two years ago 1 or 2 rainbows laps stayed in the store for weeks teasing me … Now they’d probably vanish in a heart beat.


              I can’t even tell you how much I would beg and adore if there were some more ?Rainbow OW, laps, curls, and most especially SK done. There were only ever one or two small batches of any of these. Oh, please! We could send bribes!

              Keeper of the Fledgings


                We this is exactly what I have been saying all along. Bringing back these rarely seen colors in small batches like the Silvers that did so well when they returned worked out well for Windstone and us members as well.

                Why not do a few Rainbows even changing the color a little as was done with the Silvers here and please alot of the members here as well as doing some great sales on the much sought after color.

                Trust us all here, these won’t sit in the store! Nope



                  While were on the subject, I was wondering if there will be Sitting Spectrals in rainbow? Those were never made. I’m still patiently waiting for those.


                    oh yes i forgot about the rainbow sitting spectrals… we still need those 😛 PLEASE!!!


                    It doesn’t say in the store description they are retired. I would give some body pieces for a rainbow OW or Lap, so it would be amazing if you painted more. 🙂

                    Same, and it would be expensive body parts I’m willing to part with too, like a kidney or a good chunk of the liver!

                    😥 PLEEEEEEAAASSSSSSEEEEEE?????


                    It doesn’t say in the store description they are retired. I would give some body pieces for a rainbow OW or Lap, so it would be amazing if you painted more. 🙂

                    Same, and it would be expensive body parts I’m willing to part with too, like a kidney or a good chunk of the liver!

                    😥 PLEEEEEEAAASSSSSSEEEEEE?????

                    Me three, More Rainbow Dragons, PLEEEEAASSSEEEEE? :bigsmile:


                      rainbow dragons…. :drunk: (this is me drooling all over my keyboard =P heeh)


                        It doesn’t say in the store description they are retired. I would give some body pieces for a rainbow OW or Lap, so it would be amazing if you painted more. 🙂

                        Same, and it would be expensive body parts I’m willing to part with too, like a kidney or a good chunk of the liver!

                        😥 PLEEEEEEAAASSSSSSEEEEEE?????

                        Me three, More Rainbow Dragons, PLEEEEAASSSEEEEE? :bigsmile:

                        Me four! MOAR FLEDGIES!


                          I think all the production rainbows were retired. That means…

                          The limited production pieces were….
                          old warrior
                          rising spectral?
                          secret keeper
                          hatching kinglet
                          hatching emperor
                          hatching empress

                          The sitting spectral was never painted, aside from a test paint that you (Melody) did as a gift to Greater Basalisk. I’d love a SK in rainbow and a sitting spectral. Rainbow is the only color I have every piece in (except the hatcher, I dont like that sculpt)


                            the scratcher was one of the LP ones. It hasn’t been retired yet that we know of


                              Please more Rainbow dragon’s. That color is so beautiful!

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