Barrdwing wrote:
More Poads = Happy Thought!
I’ll look forward to that. Meanwhile my solitary poad looks so sweet and benevolent on her shelf . . . I’m sure she’s plotting some sort of mischief. 
I used to own an amazon parrot who would get in the EXACT strrrretched neck pose my poad is in, lifting his head to peer at me the exact same ‘oh, I’m oh so cute and INNOCENT’ way RIGHT before he’d race over, grab something and run off, laughing to himself for having completed his dastardly plot.
He’d then destroy, or eat that which he’d just stolen, all the while, continuing to mutter “hahahahaha” in his evil parrotic glee.
I think that’s why I love poads– they have that same ‘I’m soon to be very wicked’ gleam in their wee poady eyes.