More pics pleeeease!!!

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    I wonder if she meant that about the Hatching Empress or Melody’s Inbox. πŸ˜†


      😳 Oh I think I see what she means now! There is a note in Melody’s In Box (and Garbage Can) signed “Love Fuzzy WSC”.


        I see that now too.



          I think it was just a joke someone played on Melody maybe because it takes her a while to get to her mail. We’re always joking about filing things in the circular file (aka garbage) at work, but it’s just a joke. We certainly don’t do it. πŸ™‚ And you did make it to her desk!! πŸ˜‰


          Aw, I’m glad everyone loves the pictures. Warm fuzzies. πŸ˜†


            lamortefille wrote:

            frozendragon wrote:

            purplecat wrote:

            What color is that strange looking griffon in the background? Rainbow?

            kind of…the body is kind of reddish with gold and the wings are certainly rainbowy…

            Oooo! I love this one….next time you visit the factory, can you put him in your pocket for me frozen? πŸ˜† Thanks for sharing the pictures: -)

            *drool* pretty griffin……


            Or as Nirvana would say – “Ooo, shiny!” πŸ˜†


              I have to admit…I Really like the OW πŸ˜† I just love those colors on him.
              If he ever came into production….I WOULD HAVE TO GET ONE… πŸ˜†



              that was the one me and my GF were drooling over and said wed pay any price for him rofl


                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                Not that I expect her to keep everything…They already have piles of Windstones all over…But ya know…Guess it’s a statement…To have your name in a pic atleast. (Even if it is in the pre-garbage pile. πŸ™ )

                Its just an inbox… a joke… like the words “File all complaints here” and “Here” is in a trashcan. πŸ˜‰ I cant see it, but is it just a peice of paper? If so, you would have to expect that to hit the trash anyway.


                mmloda wrote:

                I have to admit…I Really like the OW πŸ˜† I just love those colors on him.
                If he ever came into production….I WOULD HAVE TO GET ONE… πŸ˜†

                Me too. I rather liked it.


                  Squeak! I loooove that ow, squeak!


                    That reddish-brown and rainbow paint job on the griffin is REALLY sharp! πŸ˜‰
                    I don’t collect the griffins and probably won’t ever get one, but the only one(s) I’ve seen that tempt me as much are the Labradorites of Nam’s.

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