Thank you, I really enjoyed painting both of them and currently I am working on another Ki rin… 😉 I really like how the tiger ki rin turned out… 😉
I’m loving the kirins especially, but the griffy is lovely to. I love translating animal patterns onto PYOs. It’s always so interesting on how it turns out.
Marzena you should post a picture of those two PYO’s I painted while I was at your house. The pictures I took are okay but did you ever put the clear coat on them? I want to see them finished ^^
Ok …so this is the dragon that Leigha painted for me wile she was here visiting….. 😉
He has joined my other PYO`s in the curio cabinet and he fits right in…. 😉
As for the Ki rin that Leigha painted for me while she was here he is kinda eyeless right now! As soon as he gets his eyes in I will poost a picture on here… 🙂