Melody moving?

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    OH NO!!! Ruby OW was on my list too… πŸ˜₯
    But I really want one of those Birmans… Thanks in advance Melody!!! πŸ˜€ (How about Birmans with their eyes closed as a Direct buy?) Squeak squeak squeak..


      Actually the Ruby OW’s were pulled from regular production last fall and moved to direct sales. If direct sales are out, then it’s possible they might make more. I’d wait for a response from Melody about this before panicking. It still could happen. πŸ™‚


        A Windstone moving/yard sale?? Whoot! πŸ˜€

        Also, being a reformed (well, working on it) packrat, I am a master packer. If there is a way to get more stuff into less space, I will find a way. I was always drawn to tetris too…hmmm. Anyway, if you need any moving/packing help, let me know. I must use my abilities for good! πŸ˜†


        As long as you can’t fit Poads in your cleavage, maybe they will let you help!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰


          lamortefille wrote:

          I have moved enough times that just hearing about somebody else moving stresses me out. lol I love my house, but I want to move one more time – out of NJ! My cats weren’t thrilled with the car rides, but they adjusted well after the moves.

          Melody – move thousands of Windstones? Will you be able to cut production to have less to move? Too bad you can’t have some kind of sale. It might be cost effective to have less to lug up to Oregon. We all love a sale and we would be happy to help you out: -) πŸ˜†

          Speaking of Birmans, somebody said you were out of Ruby OWs. Will you be making more eventually?No no we aren’t going to have a sale, we are depending on these pieces to carry us though while we aren’t producing them! It is all the unpainted pieces we gotta pack and move. They aren’t boxed.
          Hey, another thought, if we move, all these North Hollywood ones will be marked differently from the Corvallis Or ones. “Yes sonny, these here antique Windstones were made in the old days, before Windstone moved!”
          I don’t know about the ruby OWs I’ll ask if I can remember. Somebody make me a list! I really can’t keep all this stuff in my head.Personally I’d like to retire the ruby ones.


            hehe It never hurts to ask! What a job to organize and move so much.

            Are any/all of the factory workers relocating?


              TF to the rescue! i made a list in the general windstone section for a ruby ow waitlist! if he is more appropirate in ask melody or wherever it can be moved, but it seemed like a good location for it… thoughts? i got on the list by phone too when i called the factory yesterday! please please don’t forget me! i need one!


              emerald212 wrote:

              Actually the Ruby OW’s were pulled from regular production last fall and moved to direct sales. If direct sales are out, then it’s possible they might make more. I’d wait for a response from Melody about this before panicking. It still could happen. πŸ™‚

              Ah, is that how it works. So the rubies were regular production turned into limited production with the possibility of more?


                yup. they will be made in batches from time to time like other limited productions on the direct sales page.. unless they decide to retire them, which can happen at any point… 😯


                  WindstoneCollector wrote:

                  As long as you can’t fit Poads in your cleavage, maybe they will let you help!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰

                  Well, I’m no Nirvana, but I have a little going on. Although it would probably be only enough room for curlies, no space for poads! At least a few things would safe at the factory! πŸ˜†


                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    Being in the military, moving is no big thing….Also, my parents have been divorced since I was 5 and I’ve been traveling back and forth ever since, having to take my snake with me, so it was kind of like moving….

                    The reptiles don’t mind quite so much, but I would imagine the cats would completely freak if my mom ever moved, especialy RumTum, Bobby would be ok…..Don’t know about Louis’ dog Sugar, I think she would be fine as well….

                    How do you think the Emu and Peacocks are going to handle it Miss Melody? Not to mention your cats! πŸ˜†I’m sure the cats and emu will be fine, it is the very old animals I have that I worry about making the actual trip. I’ve got a llama who is going on twenty, a pony that is twenty-four, two sheep that are twelve, two that are ten ( sheep aren’t supposed to live that long)I’m afraid any stress on those old hearts might be trouble!


                      Melody wrote:

                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      Being in the military, moving is no big thing….Also, my parents have been divorced since I was 5 and I’ve been traveling back and forth ever since, having to take my snake with me, so it was kind of like moving….

                      The reptiles don’t mind quite so much, but I would imagine the cats would completely freak if my mom ever moved, especialy RumTum, Bobby would be ok…..Don’t know about Louis’ dog Sugar, I think she would be fine as well….

                      How do you think the Emu and Peacocks are going to handle it Miss Melody? Not to mention your cats! πŸ˜†I’m sure the cats and emu will be fine, it is the very old animals I have that I worry about making the actual trip. I’ve got a llama who is going on twenty, a pony that is twenty-four, two sheep that are twelve, two that are ten ( sheep aren’t supposed to live that long)I’m afraid any stress on those old hearts might be trouble!

                      The older animals should do okay if you travel at night when it is cooler, and give them plenty of space so they are not crowded, then the stress level should be less. Sheep tend to stress easier than other animals.

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