
Melody I just wanted to thank you

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      and the rest of the windstone staff as well. For years I’ve always collected dragons but none of them were ever up to my standards of what a dragon should look like. It wasn’t until I saw some of your work in a Wick’s N Sticks shop at the mall that I realized someone really knew how to sculpt a dragon the way I always envisioned them looking. Thank you for doing such an fantastic job and I look forward to expanding my collection with your most awesome work 😛

      Oh yeah and don’t forget SqUeAk Emerald Peacock Old Warriors (waits for Melody to kill me)



        Ditto all of that. Especially the demand for more. 😆


        Melody, I know I already made you blush before, but I just got to say, your sculpts of the gryphs have always taken my breath away. I had always been so disappointed fantasy book covers with gryphons on them or whatever and how bad the anatomy was and everything…then I walked into a store in Solvang, California to see the most beautiful sculpt of a black gryphon with iridescent wings I ever saw. I got hurried out (maybe because my dad saw my eyes go O.O), but I knew I had to own it someday.

        Your sculptures just make such a picky artist like me happy. You can find fatnasy book covers where the dragon’s wings are coming out of their belly! It’s good to know that somebody’s doing their homework. 😀

        And thank you for more gryphons, although it’ll be a while before I can afford a mate for my black griffy Skan…


        Yes, thank you as well. You have a wonderful staff and company. I just hope that it stays for another 30 years.


          Thank you to EVERYONE who works for Windstone!! THe dragons are the best most raelistic portrayal I have ever seen and of course the first time I saw tham I was hooked. Then I discovered you do other creatures who are just as stunning and now of course the ebay editions…..

          You are all fabulous! Here’s to a long long run!


            Thank you. I really appriciate that you take the time to listen to us and actually use our feedback. I adore your work and your painters are fabulous! Your customer service people rock. I must say you did a great job selecting your Windstone Family.


              thank you we all LOVE our pretties


                Thanks, Melody, to you and everyone at Windstone. Most companies today have thrown quality out the window in favor of quickly produced mass quantity. Your continued care and attention to detail is much appreciated. 😀


                I’ll echo the above as well,
                Melody i think its fab that you come on here and chat and actually listen to what collectors want!



                  Another echo here…your work holds a special place in our home. It incites the imagination of young and old alike, my 5 year old is a young dragon addict already (he says, “I’m that one today” then roars and ‘flies’ around the house 🙂 and my husband’s grandmother coos over the hatching and fledglings. I was awed by them when I was homeless 9 years ago and am tickled to be a collector now. Melody, thank you from many of us!


                    Lots of echoing on this thread and here is more. Your work is fabulous and greatly appreciated!


                      What everyone else has said, and also I appreciate the ability to make a living while putting myself through grad school, and while I’m looking for work (this doesn’t mean I’m quitting when I get one :)). Thank you!


                      I think what everyone else has said pretty much sums it up 🙂 Thank you! You’ve really made something wonderful here.


                      Wicks N’ Sticks is where I saw my first Windstones too.

                      At the time I was wild about unicorns, still am, my very first serious gift from my husband was the reared up stallion.

                      I have loved your work from the start, you work puts most other dragon and fantasy 3D art to shame, your work so obviously ready to get up and walk or fly.

                      I will be getting more of your dragons very soon. And I can not wait until the griffons are available, and I already have a shelf saved for the AL SK.


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