
Maks …Update Pg 8 February 2011

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      How’s Maks doing? Any news?

      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
      Sun Dragon Koi #3


        We just got home from taking Maks to a specialist, we had to take him to our vet this morning to have an Xray done and she noticed two bumps in his stomach so she refered us to a specialist an hour away.

        We spent 6 hours there ($3000 later) and he had another Xray done and a scope test, which results form the scope test should be in sometime next week, the only thing they could tell us today was that he has alot of small ridges in his stomach and that all of his insides are inflamed and or overgrown so they could not see as much as they hoped for and now its the waiting game until next week when the other results come in… 😥

        My stress levels must be through the roof by now and my stomach has been in a knot since this morning.

        I think my worst fear is that they said it MIGHT be cancer…. 😮 I really hope not cause i dunno what that would do to me…



          Sorry to hear that. 🙁 Do you have a picture of him so we can see him?


            Yup..I have aton of pics of him, he my babeee…here are some of the pics.



              aww, what a pretty puppy. He looks like my Jake (gone now 🙁 ) sorry


              Good luck. I will cross my fingers that it is IBD and not cancer. I hope you get results soon – I’ll be thinking of you and Maks.


              He’s just darling!

              *hugs* waiting is awful. I hope the time goes faster than you think it will.


                Thank you, no results yet but he did eat this morning adn he’s playful so I am hopeing that is a good sign. The only thing that is still worring me is that he had a bit of blood in his poop but all we can do right now is wait and see what the results will say, if need be we might have to get another test done but he needs a rest for a little while at least until the results come back.



                  I am sorry your puppy is not doing well and am hoping the vets news is good.


                    The bloody poop could be from the aggravated digestive track. Stress will sometimes do that to them. The inflammation couldn’t be from the chicken bones could t? The bones splintered and cut up his tummy and are now working their way through his GI track?

                    We had a Rottie come into the vet clinic i worked at years ago who had eaten chicken bones. They had splintered and were cutting him up in the inside. They were even coming out around his anus by poking holes through the exit. He was in a lot of pain but he did survive.

                    Just thought I’d mention it since it might be a slim possibility? I’ll keep wishing you and Maks good thoughts. *hugs*

                    Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                    Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                    Sun Dragon Koi #3


                      Awww, Maks is sick? Poor fellow! And poor you! That would be so stressful, not knowing what is wrong. :I I’ll have my hopes up that you find out soon and that it is easily fixed.


                        He is such a darling! I hope he’ll get better soon.

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                        Those are really cute pictures of Maks, I hope you get good news about him.
                        Sending you prayers and hugs!


                        I hope the news is good. Hugs.


                        *hugs* I hope you get some good news

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