Maks …Update Pg 8 February 2011

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        Ohhhh, I really have to get this off my chest, I have been really stressed out over the last month, my poor baby Maks is not doing well, he’s been having alot of problems with throwing up over the last month, he’s lost weight and I have tried everything I can think of. I tried the bland diet with him, which is rice and ground beef and thats not helping every time he eats he throws it up.
        I know that dobermans like to graze and eat grass and he does every year, some say that when their tummies are upset they do that to help them trow up but it is so much more than that with him, he’s not drinking and not going to the bathroom regularly.
        We’ve been to the vet with him twice now and when we took him this morning they took him blood to do some tests and see if they can figure it out.:?



        Poor dog. 🙁 I hope the vet is able to figure something out, and it’s not serious.


          Poor baby. Let us know when the tests come back. I’ll hope for good news.


            Poor puppy 🙁 . I hope it’s not serious. *hugs*


              Have they done xrays as well? He might be blocked. Not a vet here. But blood work will help rule out many problems and xrays of the abdominal area would help to identify a blockage problem. I’ll keep my paws crossed for you that it turns out okay. *hugs*

              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                setsunawolf wrote:

                Have they done xrays as well? He might be blocked. Not a vet here. But blood work will help rule out many problems and xrays of the abdominal area would help to identify a blockage problem. I’ll keep my paws crossed for you that it turns out okay. *hugs*

                Thank you everyone, as for the xrays no they have not done them yet, they have to put him under for xrays and because he’s loosing so much weight both the vet and I decided to hold off. I guess I’m just really worried that he might not come back if they put him under and hes only 5 so that would destroy me… 😥



                  mmloda wrote:

                  Thank you everyone, as for the xrays no they have not done them yet, they have to put him under for xrays and because he’s loosing so much weight both the vet and I decided to hold off. I guess I’m just really worried that he might not come back if they put him under and hes only 5 so that would destroy me… 😥

                  I’m sorry to hear that. I recently took my Konane into the emergency vet because he collapsed. $400 we learned he had a REALLY nasty UTI. He needs to have another UA run now that’s completed his course of antibiotics, but he’s feeling better and that’s what’s really important to me. I’ll keep my paws crossed that’s something that simple w/ Maks, and he enjoys the same speedy recovery.

                  Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                  Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                  Sun Dragon Koi #3


                    *Hugs* Keeping my fingers crossed for Maks. Hang in there.


                    *Hugs* Hang in there hopefully he’s gonna be okay, and the vet can figure out what’s wrong. *keeping fingers crossed*


                      🙁 I’m so sorry that he is not doing well Mloda.
                      I hope they find what is wrong with him. Keep us udated.


                      Yes, please do! You’ll be in my prayers.


                      Good luck. I hope they figure out what is wrong with him. Is there any chance he ate a corn cob? Or stockings? Two of the hardest cases I ever had to diagnose was a Doby that ate a corn cob that was put out for deer (the owners repeatedly denied any access to cobs – found it at surgery because corn cobs do NOT show up on XRays) and a Samoyed that had eaten the leg out of a pair of panty hose. Addison’s disease can cause vomiting and weight loss – it is when the adrenal gland doesn’t produce enough steroids. Blood work would point the vet in the right direction.


                        ddvm wrote:

                        Good luck. I hope they figure out what is wrong with him. Is there any chance he ate a corn cob? Or stockings? Two of the hardest cases I ever had to diagnose was a Doby that ate a corn cob that was put out for deer (the owners repeatedly denied any access to cobs – found it at surgery because corn cobs do NOT show up on XRays) and a Samoyed that had eaten the leg out of a pair of panty hose. Addison’s disease can cause vomiting and weight loss – it is when the adrenal gland doesn’t produce enough steroids. Blood work would point the vet in the right direction.

                        No I don’t think so, the only thing I can think of is a chicken wing bone…we took Maks to our friends about 3 weeks or a month ago and I tiik out to the back yard so he could go to the bathroom, it was dark and I herd him crunching something, but he ate it before I was able to get it out of his mouth and I asked our friends what was back there and they both said that it was probably a chicken wing bone that fell out of their garbage. I told our vet about it but she seems to think its not that at all, tomorrow we should have the blood test results and I am hoping they all come back positive… 😥 and that the news I get from our vet is good… 🙁



                        Sorry Mloda about Maks, I hope they find out whats wrong with him, keep us updated.

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