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      skigod377 wrote:

      Just wanted to say goodbye in case I didnt get to talk to ya’ll as often. I will miss you, but I hope to be able to drop in from time to time. I should be able to post updates as I go but in case I dont, Wish me luck and I will see you again in August-September time frame!

      Say hello to my Sister!!
      She is a college Professor at the American University over there
      Did i miss something??
      Why are you there??

      may you return swiftly
      keep us updated


        We love you, keep in touch as much as possible. 😛


          pegasi1978 wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Guess I better go unpack a uniform.

          Glad to hear you will be hanging around for a little longer. Hubby never packed up all his uniforms when he deployed. He always left one or two hanging in the closet because he knew they would issue him more uniforms while he was deployed. He left the others behind in case he made it home before the conex with everyone’s gear arrived. That way he would be guaranteed to have at least one good uniform.

          Hell, we still have most of his uniforms left over since the army won’t take the things back (even if the tags are still on them from when they were issued).
          and we wonder where our TAX money goes???


            Glad you arrived safely Ski–now let’s keep it that way!


              Thanks all! I am still in Kuwait waiting to manifest. The good thing is that we got hooked up by some E-5 who has been over here 6 times and has a gimpy arm because of two bullet wounds and some shrapnel. Well, he got us manifested last night instead of having to stay here for four days doing training that we have already done. He also slipped in the back door and got us a tent last night instead of having to wait in line with 100 other people. He was really nice, even if he had absolutely no milirary bearing, but hey, under the circumstances, I was alright with that. Right now, we are just waiting…We should be on a plane today or tomorrow depending on weather. Its dusty right now and I think one flight has already been cancelled. There is a KFC and a McDonalds, an internet cafe (where I am now) an AT&T station next door, a shoppette, and a chow hall that has decent (if powdered) eggs, and hot showers. So starts my first days of deployment. I was thinking of bumping this topic every couple weeks with a pic or two, if possible, but I dont know if that would be ok or if anyone would want to see. We shall see if I can even upload any pics first, I guess. I hope you guys are all well. Take care!


                Best of luck and take care of yourself and come back to us the same way you left us


                Good luck, and remember you have a pink pearl dragon to come back to!


                  OF COURSE WE WANT TO SEE PICS!!


                  Glad to know the deployment started out okay… Do post pics if you can!


                    So glad to hear you arrived there safely! Take care of yourself Ski, we know you will! And I definitely want to see the pics too! 🙂


                      Stay safe… 🙂


                        Take care of yourself Ski!!


                          Glad you arrived safely! Would love to see pics.


                            Ski, just make sure you make it home to safely to us! Oh, and by the way, we live in big huntin’ territory and I’m on the look out for pretty pink camo for your pretty princess… 😀

                            twindragonsmum 😀


                              Im in COB Speicher and all is well. I dont think there is too much to worry about. There have only been mortar attacks about once a month in the last six months, and the ones that make it over the fence line have been on the northern side, about half a mile away from us. I have already been to see the big boss because I got us here in 4 days (when it normally takes about 9) but I failed to get everyone their extra gear while in Kuwait. I didnt get in trouble because the place was closed when we went to get the gear, but from now on, no one is supposed to leave Kuwait without that gear. Oops. Its just more crap to carry, IMO, but at least they are not too upset. All is well and I already got a cool pic to show of a UAV. I shoulda gotten a pic of the McDonalds sign in Kuwait, but I didnt break out my camera before we left. I will load it when I get a chance. 🙂 Thanks for all the well wishes everyone!

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