lol popcorn

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      So, I don’t know if this is actually worth making a thread for, but I got a package that amused me greatly and thought I would share.

      I bought a chipped mother unicorn off ebay. I’ve had things shipped to me packed in some pretty weird stuff, and actually, comparatively, this one was packed very well! But instead of something normal like paper or packing peanuts, they used…

      popcorn. Real, honest to goodness popcorn. The box smelled positively mouthwatering when I opened it. I’m kind of surprised the unicorn doesn’t still smell like it! But she was wrapped in cellophane, so maybe that protected her. ^_^

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


        That’s inventive. 😆 Did the horn break off in transit?


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          That’s inventive. 😆 Did the horn break off in transit?

          Nope. I guess it was loose when they had it…they sent it in a ziplock baggie. Which is actually better – when the horns are in, they tend to bend or break the head. :/ The only part of it that’s broken is the knee, which has a big ol’ honkin’ chunk out of it! But I bought it knowing that.

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


          Oh, good. 😀


            OMG…. thats what we call the packing peanuts. Popcorn. I bet someone mentioned packing in popcorn and meant packing peanuts and the seller took it to heart! 😆 I just asked my mom, “Do you know what ‘Popcorn’ is when you are shipping something?” She said “yeah.. its those little styrafoam peanuts.” I showed her this pic and she laughed out loud!


              😯 OMG…that’s funny!
              Correct me if wrong but I find the box kind of small for the unicorn. you are lucky it did not break.


              😆 That’s funny, I know canadapost website says something about packing with popcorn. I bet a few people don’t know thats packing chips. It would work though. (But if it ever got wet…ew)


                It is more environmentally friendly! 😀 😀 😀


                  D’you think they’ll be insulted if you don’t eat it?

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                    😆 That’s too funny!


                    That is SO creative!!


                      😆 Oh that is funny! Wow! Glad that it made it in one piece!!!


                      Our family has done that during christmas with breakable gifts. Popcorn works wonderfully and is environmentally friendly!! Try it!

                      PS Don’t use buttered ! Only plain!


                        Hey, whatever works!

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