limited production edition black pegasus (male)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody limited production edition black pegasus (male)

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    Hi Melody!
    I know on this website, there is a limited production edition of the black pegasus family, and I was REALLY REALLY wanting to get the male, especially since he is out of stock. I didn’t realize these were up for sale until everyone grabbed him!! Anyway, I know that if you would paint a few more you would have at least one buyer!! 8) PLEASE PLEASE!! (Ok, I can stop being a suck up now! πŸ˜† ) So will you paint at least one any time soon? I was told they have been out of stock for months!



      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      Hi Melody!
      I know on this website, there is a limited production edition of the black pegasus family, and I was REALLY REALLY wanting to get the male, especially since he is out of stock. I didn’t realize these were up for sale until everyone grabbed him!! Anyway, I know that if you would paint a few more you would have at least one buyer!! 8) PLEASE PLEASE!! (Ok, I can stop being a suck up now! πŸ˜† ) So will you paint at least one any time soon? I was told they have been out of stock for months!

      They aren’t retired yet as far as I know, we were just out of them… This will happen with limited production things, because we don’t make large numbers of them at once.


      Oh, she’s definitely got more than one buyer for sure!!! I was crushed when I found that the baby was out of stock when I went to get him today too πŸ˜₯ But if I had to choose, I want… I need the male first. pwease!


      PhoenixTears wrote:

      Oh, she’s definitely got more than one buyer for sure!!! I was crushed when I found that the baby was out of stock when I went to get him today too πŸ˜₯ But if I had to choose, I want… I need the male first. pwease!

      Uhh…I’m sorry Pheonix Tears, but I nabbed the last one! I’m sorry! I saw that it was the last one, and I knew that if I didn’t buy it right there and then, I would have missed out on it! Sorry! πŸ™


        Grabbing is good. There is no gaurentee that there will be more of any limited production thing, though in this case, I am pretty sure we will continue these black Pegasuses for awhile.


        I guess this is as good a place as any to ask this question since it is about the Black Pegasi.

        Lots of us that have received either the Mother or the Male have had such a time of getting the paper off of the statue because of is so tightly wrapped and boxed in there. Now, I understand they are boxed this way for careful shipping and such but is there a way at all to do anything about this either before hand, or a trick you can tell us on how to get the paper off without ruining the paint job?

        EAGLE… I was just saying if I had to choose between which Pegasus I needed or wanted or had to have the most out of the out of stocks, it would be the male. Thats all I was saying. It’s just a piece I really desire with regards to the time crunch Im in. He was already out of stock before I even knew this family existed. Had I known or been made aware, Id surely have grabbed right away. But where I spend most of my time, the internet does not travel πŸ˜• πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰


          I think the paper sticking is more likely due to the clear coat still being wet or tacky when it is wrapped. Paper tightly wrapped shouldn’t stick otherwise. Maybe they need more drying time before wrapping.


          I was thinking that too Emerald. And, I was thinking that if they couldnt wait because the demand was just too great, perhaps the paper they use could be black and match the statue rather than the paper being white. Then if it stuck at all, it would at least be less obvious.

          Just a thought.


          PhoenixTears wrote:

          I guess this is as good a place as any to ask this question since it is about the Black Pegasi.

          Lots of us that have received either the Mother or the Male have had such a time of getting the paper off of the statue because of is so tightly wrapped and boxed in there. Now, I understand they are boxed this way for careful shipping and such but is there a way at all to do anything about this either before hand, or a trick you can tell us on how to get the paper off without ruining the paint job?

          EAGLE… I was just saying if I had to choose between which Pegasus I needed or wanted or had to have the most out of the out of stocks, it would be the male. Thats all I was saying. It’s just a piece I really desire with regards to the time crunch Im in. He was already out of stock before I even knew this family existed. Had I known or been made aware, Id surely have grabbed right away. But where I spend most of my time, the internet does not travel πŸ˜• πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

          Ok. I was referring to your comment about the baby. πŸ™‚


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          Ok. I was referring to your comment about the baby. πŸ™‚

          Got one from someone who is selling just today… a gift from one of my brothers in law. Stroke of luck and love in the same motion on the sellers part as well as his. Angels both. Now… for that male!


          I do hope that more male pegasus’ are painted soon because I have gotten to the point where I check the Windstone store twice a day to see if there are any back in stock. I hope it’s soon! πŸ™„ πŸ˜†


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          I do hope that more male pegasus’ are painted soon because I have gotten to the point where I check the Windstone store twice a day to see if there are any back in stock. I hope it’s soon! πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

          I just pictured a scene from Legally Blonde where Elle is on a break while in court waiting in line for a drink at the water fountain talking on her cell and Enrique (the cabana boy theyre about to cross examine and try to discredit) cuts in front of her and she starts tapping her foot loudly and obviously to which he responds, “dont a-stomp your last a-season Prada shoes at me honey.”

          Are you stomping your Prada’s at Melody for the Male Peg to come back in stock Eagle? πŸ˜† j/k Just a funny visual I had.


          haha! Well, I don’t mean to be impatient…I guess I just really wanted to tell her that I am WWAAIITTIINNGG…..


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          haha! Well, I don’t mean to be impatient…I guess I just really wanted to tell her that I am WWAAIITTIINNGG…..

          You keep putting movie visuals in my head by the way you speak- er, or type! Now I have a visual of that nasty little man (what was his name- he employed Andre the Giant and Indigo and kidnapped the Princess before being bested by Cary Elwes… “inconceivable!”) in The Princess Bride. He said a line in that movie to someone (I use to know that movie so well but my short term memory has long been lost). He said, “I’m Waaaaaaiiiiittttiiinnnnggggg!!!!!!” πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† 😈 πŸ˜›

          But Im on your side. Chomping at the bit myself for that male peg to come back in stock myself πŸ˜€ Goodness knows were both on thte waiting list!

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