LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap

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    Considering it has almost been 2 weeks since I sent mine, my recipient must be dead or something.

    Either that or she is torturing us for some unknown reason.

    Dragon Medley, have you heard from her yet?



      SHe has not posted lately.

      I just finished mine!!! I just have to add another top coat and I will mail it out tomorrow or the next day. I hope my person likes it…


      skigod377 wrote:

      SHe has not posted lately.

      I just finished mine!!! I just have to add another top coat and I will mail it out tomorrow or the next day. I hope my person likes it…

      She as in Dragonmedley?

      I heard from DM a few days ago…but I haven’t seen anything from my recipient since Apr 18th.



        Kyrin wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        SHe has not posted lately.

        I just finished mine!!! I just have to add another top coat and I will mail it out tomorrow or the next day. I hope my person likes it…

        She as in Dragonmedley?

        I heard from DM a few days ago…but I haven’t seen anything from my recipient since Apr 18th.


        Sorry… I read your post too fast. 😳 I was thinking Dragonmedly was your recipient.


        skigod377 wrote:

        Kyrin wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        SHe has not posted lately.

        I just finished mine!!! I just have to add another top coat and I will mail it out tomorrow or the next day. I hope my person likes it…

        She as in Dragonmedley?

        I heard from DM a few days ago…but I haven’t seen anything from my recipient since Apr 18th.


        Sorry… I read your post too fast. 😳 I was thinking Dragonmedly was your recipient.

        We’re not allowed to tell, are we?

        I just wish my recip would show up.



          Kyrin wrote:

          We’re not allowed to tell, are we?

          I just wish my recip would show up.


          I hope it shows up too. I wanna see more PYO pics!!


            Kyrin wrote:

            Considering it has almost been 2 weeks since I sent mine, my recipient must be dead or something.

            Either that or she is torturing us for some unknown reason.

            Dragon Medley, have you heard from her yet?


            The PM I sent her is still in my outbox. I learned that the messages stay there until the recipient reads them, so this means she hasn’t been on the forums for quite some time. However, you’d think getting a package would get her back on to comment, so I’m really starting to worry. I truly hope she’s out on a wild trip and not in trouble.

            And I am on the forums everyday, I just don’t post a lot. I’m finding my number of posts really sucks compared to the others who have been members here as long as I have!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            fauxbird wrote:

            DragonsCavern wrote:

            fauxbird wrote:

            oh well i still have not even ordered mine yet 😯 i have to sell off some macaw tail feathers to get up the money to buy at least four sculps.i may buy more then that though never know πŸ˜‰

            Did you just sell some maccaw feathers already on ebay??? Cause I just bought some and was wondering if it was you LOL 😯 πŸ˜€ πŸ˜† yes you bought some wing feathers i thought it was someone off here as when i checked your feedback i saw the pink dragon that you sold gee small world πŸ˜†

            OMG πŸ˜† πŸ˜† WHAT a small world alright! πŸ˜‰


            Ok!!! EVERYONE LISTEN UP!!!!! MINE IS ON ITS WAY to his NEW home! EVERYONE and I MEAN EVERYONE!! Look for a package on your doorstep within 4-6 days, I sent it EXPEDITED πŸ˜† couldnt wait a long time for them to get it!!! YAY!!! I am soo excited, YET so SAD, I wanted to keep it!!! LMAO!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
            BTW, whoever gets it, I HAVE pics already if you want ME to post them let me know πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€
            I CANT WAIT to see if they LOVE it! 😯


            4-6 days? Could be me! *hopes wildly*


              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† I sense excitement… im not sure.. but thats the vibe I am getting…


              I just want my swap piece to come. πŸ˜› Of course, if you have me, DC, there won’t be much reason left to swap for your Phoenix griffin…


              UMMMMMmmmmmmm 😯 ……………CRAP! YES EXCITEMENT LMAO! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


                Hey Kyrin, did you get delivery confirmation? If you did… you could tell if they got it or not yet x:

                I sent mine today! The woman told me he should get there within 2-3 days! πŸ˜€


                Kujacker wrote:

                Hey Kyrin, did you get delivery confirmation? If you did… you could tell if they got it or not yet x:

                I sent mine today! The woman told me he should get there within 2-3 days! πŸ˜€

                No, I sent it Priority, and wasn’t expecting no response from the recipient, it should have been at her place the Saturday before this one.

                I am glad I insured it, cause it may be lost.


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