LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap

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      Dang it I hate when the person I get is way better than me! GAWD! The pressure! 😆


      Well, I’ve ordered mine. Now I have two weeks to buy paint and figure out exactly what I’m doing.


      SPark wrote:

      You never know! *grin* Most of the forum members are too polite to come out and say if they think my stuff is crap, after all. Though I suppose if everyone thought that, I’d have heard it by now, given a few past discussions around here!

      (No, I don’t seriously think my stuff is crap, or that my person won’t like it. But I do know I’m not one of the “big” artists here. I’ve never even gotten a commission through the forums, just a couple off of ebay, though one of those was, I believe, for a forum member.) hey im not one of the best either,i had never even painted with acryics before this,to be honest though i have not seen any on the gallery pics that i thought was bad,even with everyone having different tastes and all,truthfully i know that pictures just dont do them justice,because i cant even get my pics to do mine justice 😛


      No kidding… 😯 I hear that Ski… 😆


      I am starting my partners one right NOW! 😆 😆 I CANT wait to see what they think of it!!!! 😯 😕


      Kyrin wrote:

      DragonsCavern wrote:


      Yep, it’s sitting up on top of my scanner waiting for me to photograph it now. Tomorrow if we get sun, I will take a few pics and then send it to its new home.


      **faints** It still takes me like 12-20 hours to do one cause I am soo darned PICKY LOL!!! Maybe thats why I dont sell that many!! 😆 😯 😕 🙄 😆


      That’s about my time on Kirin too, DC. You’re not alone. 😆


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      That’s about my time on Kirin too, DC. You’re not alone. 😆

      GAWD I wish I could JUST SPIT them out with the idea I have in my head! LOL! That would be SOOOOO COOL!!!! hehe 😆 😆


      My ideas tend to change, despite the pencil colorings I do. But I like taking the time on my projects. Somehow I have the feeling if a Kirin doesn’t take 12+ or a griffin 30+ hours, I haven’t put enough effort into it. 😆


      I agree, I am the same way with the Griffins 😀


        I started mine and I hate it already! 😆


        That’d be a bad sign if it weren’t for the laughing emoticon. 😆


        I just put my order in!!! I haven’t started it yet, but I know what I want to do with it!!! I decided, since I got one with “anything” as the theme, I would just put all my ideas in a hat and draw one! I got a good one…I can’t wait for the sculpt to get here…Geez I hope it turns out like I want it to! 😆


          I just put my order in too. Now comes the hard part… Waiting


          You have to realize something though in regards to my painting time. I have been painting ceramics for over 20 years now, and I paint in acrylics on paper too, doing other types of 2D art.

          So for me, putting in 9 hours on something as small as the sculpture I did, means there is alot of details.

          Talking about it, I sent it out today, it should arrive at its destination by Thursday, I hope. I hope she likes him!

          I wish I could be there for the unveiling…I love to see people’s reactions to things.


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