Wow, that wolf is just awesome! 😯 You really did an amazing job on him.
Is this wolf a commission?
nope, not a commission. I did a series of seasonal wolves. spring -winter. this was the last one in the line. but one person on the forum ended up buying all the other seasonal wolves, so i am holding this one for her.
I am curious to see what the dragon looks like when done, you are right that he’s in the ugly duckling stage atm, though I know he’ll be gorgous when you are done.
I absolutely love that wolf, Koishii. You never run out of new patterning ideas.
the possibilities are endless. wait till you see what i am going to be doing next! the commissions i got from Drag0n and Pheonix are going to be completely insane. I’ll give you guys a hint, both color schemes were inspired by dragon #26 in the 50 dragons list…but will look completely different.
Here is the muse i did for a local person here who’s name is Joan. I got some Pearl Ex mica powders by Jacquard and so i used them on the muse and woooooooooo! I love using them!
She’s beautiful! I’m curious about the pearl-ex powders… how do you apply them? do you mix them with the paint or apply them while the paint is wet or something else? what do you apply them with? brushes, fingers? I love her ‘shininess’! 😀