Kitties and Birds

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      How did you end up with 14 birds and 10 cats!!! That’s a lot!!! 😮



          All of the cats are rescues of one sort or another. Two were my husband’s, two came from the municipal recycling center through a friend, four came from other friends and two showed up in my backyard (one with her litter of four kittens). Four out of the eight new ones were adults that I knew would be hard to place. I have a real soft spot for the underdogs. I’m not in the market for any more, but in the future I will stick with adults cats that are hard to place. It’s really wonderful working with the very shy cats and watching them adapt and become comfortable here. My friend calls me the cat whisperer. 😀 She runs a rescue and is always trying to convince me to take in “just one more”. She has 17 of her own, plus the ones she rescues and adopts out. We are crazy cat ladies. 😈

          Their names are Shadow, Cookie, Moonshine, Domino, Champagne, Martini, Sambuca, Brandy, Ripple and Pawley. Pawley came pre-named and refused to answer to anything else.

          The birds were purchased here and there over time. The majority of them are parakeets. We didn’t purchase that many, but our keets like to breed. We’ve kept a few, but mostly they go to good homes with friends. We also have a canary, a green cheeked conure, two rosellas and a bourke parakeet. We have taken in and rehomed three cockatiels and a gold-capped conure. As others have said, people don’t realize the time and attention the birds need or they end up bored with them and want to get rid of them. It’s very sad for the birds.

          The cats don’t bother the birds at all. The conure will sometimes meow when a cat walks into the room. 😀


            hah!! I don’t feel so bad now that I know someone else has hundreds of critters too!! 😉


              It’s great that you’ve given so many kitties a second chance. It is a lot harder to place adult pets of any kind.

              I love your name choices. Other than Pawley, how did you go about picking names? 🙂


                And where can we see pics?? 😀


                  You can see pictures here.

                  We found out my daughter’s friend’s cat had a litter of kittens and decided to get one. We saw them when they were very tiny, picked one out and decided to name her Ripple, because she was mostly white with some stripes and she looked like fudge ripple ice cream. When they were old enough to leave their mother, we went to pick her up and found out that she was a he. 🙄 We wanted a female and picked out another one. Ripple didn’t fit her too well, so we went with Moonshine. (Ripple is also the name of a cheap liquor). We went with alcohol/drink names from then on. Pawley was supposed to be Rummy, but as I said, he refused to answer to it. My friend the rescuer was shopping for a hammock and came up with the name for him. Hey, if he wants to spend the rest of his life named after a hammock company, it’s up to him. 😀 After all the cats she’s rescued, it’s hard for her to come up with names. 😉


                    Laurie wrote:

                    hah!! I don’t feel so bad now that I know someone else has hundreds of critters too!! 😉

                    You’re in good company. I have a ton of critters as well. 🙂

                    Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                    Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                    Sun Dragon Koi #3


                    Thanks for the link! They’re a lovely bunch of kitties. 🙂


                      They really are all very cute!! 😀


                        Thank you ladies. 🙂 The more the merrier, I think.

                        Laurie, when did you have your name changed? It stopped me in my tracks, for a minute. lol


                          I love your kitties!! They’re all so unique! 🙂


                            Lots of cute kitties! Cookie looks like a fun goofball type cat.


                              Thanks, ladies:)
                              He’s a goofball, for sure. He was hamming for attention.


                                Cute cats Lam. Have you ever owned any of the big birds? I dont really know birds, but I know the big ones take alot of attention. Are the smaller ones the same way? I am not looking to get a bird anytime soon… I am just curious about them. My husband had his button stolen by a Cocatu (spelling may be way off) and he has been in love ever since. I think I have convinced him that birds are too much work. He compares them to cats and dogs, but I think birds are harder.

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