KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23)

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      Love it!


      I’m liking that color a lot.


        Thanks, all! Glad you like it. I’ve started painting the fur now. *gulp* I won’t say what it looks like until I get some more done. XD


        I like it…those are neat colors and I love the blending.



        Ditto! Already love the colors & blending. Reminds me a little of the colors I did on Melody’s kirin… never heard if it got to her…hmmm


        I love what you started with. I can see why it’d be hard to decide on colors when you are surrounded by all those bottles of paint calling out to you, “Use me!” 😀


          Tintaglia wrote:

          I love what you started with. I can see why it’d be hard to decide on colors when you are surrounded by all those bottles of paint calling out to you, “Use me!” 😀

          Seriously! XD I had a “hmm, I wonder if I should make it a RAINBOW kirin…” moment, but…then I decided I could try that after I’d gotten some more practice. Heehee. It might be cute. >.>


            New “in progress” pic. This time, from the other side. 😀 I added some yellow scales, and started the color layering on his fur. It’ll all end up looking like that front leg I was trying it out on. 🙂 This is a slow process. o.o;

            I might end up adding some other color scales after the fur is done, depending on…my mood, probably. >_>; *coughs*


              Wow! He’s looking great! Reminds me of the rising Sun or a comet! I can’t wait to see him finished! 😀


                siberakh1 wrote:

                Wow! He’s looking great! Reminds me of the rising Sun or a comet! I can’t wait to see him finished! 😀

                Thanks! ( again XD ) I can’t wait either. This is actually easier than the muses. o_o; They were so itty-bitty.

                Hmm. That makes me wonder what he’d look like with a gemstone in his forehead like the baby koi-rins…I bet I could just dig a little hole for one…*plots* >.>;


                  It’s sooooooo pretty! Will she be up for sale 😉


                    I think a little gem would look nice. He’s looking very pretty 😀 .


                    Oooh…that is coming out gorgous! I like him alot!



                      He looks awsome so far… 😉 I really like the colors.



                        Thanks guys! =D I dunno if I could sell this one (it was a gift), but while it’s kind of a slow process (for me, anyways), I do at least remember exactly how I did it. So if anyone wanted one after I’m done with him, I could probably duplicate it. 🙂

                        For the low-low fee of one gold curlie. >8D Heehee, kidding. Unless you really want to. >.>!?

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