KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23)

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  • #670322

      purpleturtle wrote:

      Or maybe something more subtle – like pink or very light yellow. It’s hard to antique white and keep it looking ‘white’ when your done. Very cute kirin, by the way. I can’t wait to see her done πŸ˜€ . She’ll look cool whatever you decide πŸ˜‰ .

      I antiqued white fur one time with “warm white” paint and it still looked white. It was very subtle though.


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      purpleturtle wrote:

      Or maybe something more subtle – like pink or very light yellow. It’s hard to antique white and keep it looking ‘white’ when your done. Very cute kirin, by the way. I can’t wait to see her done πŸ˜€ . She’ll look cool whatever you decide πŸ˜‰ .

      I antiqued white fur one time with “warm white” paint and it still looked white. It was very subtle though.

      I did something similar with tattoo Kirin #1 (er, she’s in the gallery somewhere, I can’t seem to get the URL codes to work today)…. although she had blue on her too, as well as white fur. It made the blue really subtle. I also plan to do something in the near future when I get to painting again… I’ve been so busy…. ger. πŸ™„

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