KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23)

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    Oh wow he’s adorable! I love the blue eyes and ‘siamese’ look, even if you were going for something else!


      siberakh1 wrote:

      Very nice. I think the blue eyes throw me off from thinking tiger’s eye, but he is very pretty, regardless! Great job! 🙂

      You are so right. D: I tried the dark brown eyes, but they have this reddish tint to them that looked bad. The brown was close, but there was just enough of a difference from the straight Dark Umber I used to make it look weird. =(

      Anyhoo, thanks for all the nice compliments guys! =D


        I think he’s stunning. It’s hard to see the pattern on the head, though. As for the eyes, I like the blue; straw would probably have looked good with these colors too. The blue is a nice contrast, though, like the siamese cat, like Eleu said.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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          I think he looks nice. I wouldn’t have thought tigerseye immediately, but it’s nice to see your interpretation of that stone. His scales on his sides look kind of streaky. Is that just the way they photo or was that intentionally painted that way? Because I really like how those scales look; like mini tigerseye stones.


          Lovely. Your stone-inspired kirins are wonderful.


            Lokie wrote:

            I think he looks nice. I wouldn’t have thought tigerseye immediately, but it’s nice to see your interpretation of that stone. His scales on his sides look kind of streaky. Is that just the way they photo or was that intentionally painted that way? Because I really like how those scales look; like mini tigerseye stones.

            Yeah, that was on purpose. 😀 My attempt at creating the stripey chatoyance of tigerseye. I took a couple of pics in the sun so you guys could see it better!

            The stripes on the head I left light because I wasn’t sure I liked them. >.>; You can only see them at a certain angle, as you can tell from these two pictures…where they’re invisible. 😀


            Oh so pretty! 😀


              Those pictures do help. I definitely see the chatoyance now. That is the biggest indicator of tiger’s eye. Very nice! 🙂


              The sun really brings out the best in this coloring. I can definately see the tiger eye now. Very nice!


                Beautifully done!

                twindragonsmum 😀



                  Very neat!!


                    Oh my, he’s very lovely. I think he’s one of my favorite Kirins from you to date 😉 .


                      Well, I know I just posted the tigerseye kirin, but I already started on another. 😀 It’s going a little more quickly b/c it’s basically practice with my airbrush! Nowhere near done, but I couldn’t resist taking a picture~

                      I decided to do something cutesy this time. <3


                      Bubbles? ^^


                        Leigha wrote:

                        Bubbles? ^^

                        I was thinking something like that. XD Candy rain, gumdrop, rainbow bubble? I haven’t decided on a name yet. o.o

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