KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23)

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    Who cares? It’s a PYO. It can look however it wants. :yes:


      It looks great so far 🙂


        Thanks guys. =) It’s pretty much done now (so fast with the airbrush, wow), I just need some little rhinestones. I don’t have any that small, so I had to order some. I couldn’t decide if green or something dark gold (to match those lighter spots) would look better, so I bought both. I hope I like at least one of them. 9_9;; I considered black (like jet), but couldn’t find any small enough. I also really wish the unicorn eyes came in the dark brown instead of (or as well as) the regular brown. c.c.; Maybe I’ll buy another with green eyes and switch them out.

        I like painting the unicorn with the airbrush! Now I just need to get some detail skills.

        In the meantime, I’ve started trying to figure out how I want to do my tigerseye kirin. So far, I’ve taken his eyes out and stared at him. I can’t decide if it would be better with the airbrush, or a paintbrush…so I could get those brush strokes in there, since tigerseye has a kind of stripey/furry look up close. Tough call. o.o Maybe a combo?


          Tigereye… I can hardly wait! How are you going to get the chatoyancy?

          twindragonsmum 😀



            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Tigereye… I can hardly wait! How are you going to get the chatoyancy?

            twindragonsmum 😀

            That’s the problem. XD I’m not sure. @.@


              Hmm. I’m pretty much finished with the brown unicorn, but I can’t get these stupid rhinestones to stay in. >.>; What kind glue do you all use on them? I tried Elmer’s and they fell out. D: Superglue?


                kitsunelady wrote:

                Hmm. I’m pretty much finished with the brown unicorn, but I can’t get these stupid rhinestones to stay in. >.>; What kind glue do you all use on them? I tried Elmer’s and they fell out. D: Superglue?

                Superglue is kind of tricky, since it will stick pretty quickly and you don’t want it to get on your fingers. I just use elmer’s glue. I put the uni on a paperplate (for the ledge, should a stone get away!), and put a dob of Elmer’s (or other white glue) onto either a plate or whatever you’d like. I then take a toothpick and ‘dab’ the inside of the hole with it, perhaps a tiny bit more than necessary. I will wipe across the hole with my finger, then wipe off my finger when finished. Next, get a stone’s flat face on to my finger (so the pointy side is faceing out – sometimes I wet my finger a little with my tongue… just enough to get some tension to keep the stone on your finger). Tap the stone into the desired hole. Wipe over the hole and stone to remove any excess glue (but gently, so the stone doesn’t follow). I use really tiny stones though, and I do run into a stone that will sometimes be a little to big for a hole, so I look for a smaller one.


                  Well, it’s a done deal. e.e I put up some new pics. I like these better than the first try.

                  I painted on a satin gloss (couldn’t find matte except in a huge, overpriced bottle [at Hobby Lobby]). The rhinestones are holding, so here she is.

                  And in direct sunlight :

                  I laid on the interference green pretty heavily, so it shows up in most lighting conditions.

                  I decided this unicorn reminded me of deep in the forest, and various forms of soil and things, which gave me an idea about a ‘series’ to do. =D It’ll be elemental – this is Earth. I’ll keep her until I’ve done the others, so I can take a group picture. It’s not a great time to be selling anything, anyways. D:


                  Wowwww. Love the layering and the shimmer and the sheen. Great work, kitsunelady!


                    That is one pretty unicorn. Good luck with your set of elementals. Can’t wait to see how they turn out. *Slaps at hand* Bad Pegasi you don’t need to try another set when you gave up on the birthstone kirins half way through.


                      She is stunning…I love the green tint on her… 😉



                        Oh my, she is sooo pretty! Im’m loving the subtle color shifts you did on her body – very well done!



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                            Very pretty!!!


                              I really like her.

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