Just because I know…

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      bodine6127 wrote:

      ahh..and where did you say you lived again? 😆 Good for you!It will be a blast just getting to open them up and see.

      I live inside a data center. At least that’s what my wife says.


      :snappy: 👿 :spank: :spank: 😛


        :snappy: ???


        Adraenyse wrote:

        I live inside a data center. At least that’s what my wife says.

        haha, I have to agree with her on that one.

        Adraenyse wrote:

        Right now there is no furniture in our house suitable to unpack them to. I mean… really, no furniture PERIOD. We’re used to living in a 700 sq foot condo and we moved into a 2000 sq foot house with a basement … it’s umm… pretty empty yet.

        ooooooooooooooh rooms to decorate….furniture to buy…..I drool for that as much as for the unopened Windstones 😀 I remember when you got those bookends >.<


          No money to buy things. I am working on my own again.


          ahhhhhh big change. How’s that going?


            I’m going to start delivering pizza tomorrow. Is that any hint?


            shit. Well, you do what you gotta do to make it work.

            If I order pizza you gonna drive all the way out here to deliver? 😀


              You pay the cost of the plane rental 😛


                You could raise some money by selling some of those poor Windstones that have been trapped in boxes with no air and gasp eeeeeeee can’t breathe! Especially that poor, poor old green fledgie. Did I tell you I like fledgies and I feel especially sorry for this one because it’s in a box in a dark, dark place. Fledgies are afraid of the dark, did you know that? Why you could be accussed of fledgie abuse! It’s against the law you know and you could get fined and go to jail and end up with a cell mate who really, really likes you and a toilet that won’t flush. So just make it easier on yourself and the old green fledgie–send me the old green fledgie and no one has to know about this–I can keep a secret and nobody, I mean nobody will evvvvvver know what you put that poor fledgie through. 😈


                HAHAHAHA Ladyfirebird I love you ^^ very awesome response


                :spank: Don’t you know?!! Windstones are TERRIFIED of the dark!! 😀

                Must have been cool though. “Hey, what’s in this box??…… OMG!! Windstone suprise!!!” That’s like christmas in a box.


                  I moved a bunch of stuff around the basement this weekend and I’m not exactly sure where the Windstones ended up.

                  I found the BIG box that hasn’t been unpacked.. but the little pieces are AWOL.

                  I think I’m going to have a little peek down there now. The basement is weird to me. I never had one before, it’s like a storage unit that I visit once every couple months…




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