
Journey West

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    I truthfully would stay in Denver since California is terrible for its taxes and the money that you have to spend to live there. Central CA is the best if you want to live there. Denver is beautiful and very good in connections. I have many friends there who love it over California.


      As a tourist, San Francisco is super fun, but as a resident I imagine it can get a little rough from time to time. Like others have mentioned, you’ll need some deep pockets. I think this may apply to the whole state actually. Some think there’s another tech bubble waiting to burst in SF, not to mention the earthquakes! The weather is fairly nice most of the time. Personally, I like the cold and foggy weather of August. Also, SF and surrounding areas can be really tight in space, congested, and SF has a considerable homeless population. I’m not trying to beat up on SF. I must confess I’ve wanted to live there since I was 16. The cost of living has kept me away, but I’ve been able to visit a few times at least. Of course I’m no expert on SF. If there are some forum members that live in the area that are offended by this, forgive me! I just wanted to mention a few rough points you might encounter if you decide to live there. On the other side of the coin, SF has a lot of fun, unique things that no other place in the country has. The variety of food and shopping is great. Plus, the surrounding areas such as Napa, Sonoma, etc. are fun to visit.

      Personally, I would recommend Oregon as a place to live. My cousins live in Portland and they love it!


        I am currently in Tooele Utah. What an amazingly beaitiful state. Shame it had to be raining for much of my drive. I will be heading into Nevada tomorrow. I’d love to see Oregon and may get the chance. Where I end up is still up in the air.


          The City (San Francisco) is a great place to be! That’s where I learned to drive – stick, no less… Grew up in San Jose and the City was not that far. If you do choose San Francisco be sure to take a look at some good geographical maps of the area. You really don’t want to be on “landfill” (filled in parts of the Bay) during an earthquake – you get huge problems with liquefaction – and double check as to when the structure was built as buildings repaired after the immediate destruction of the ’06 earthquake are still being used and lived in and a lot of the reconstruction didn’t follow “new” building code and have structural problems. Really, earthquakes aren’t bad; I’d rather do earthquakes than tornadoes. Just make sure you have a 36 to 48 hour emergency kit ready; we kept two for each person, one in the trunk of the car and one in an out building in the yard, not the house – easy to get to if necessary. I so miss the Bay Area! Am in Utah now, sorry I missed you on your way through! And Utah IS beautiful with LOTS of different sights… But the Bay Area is wonderful as well, and very convenient for travel to the rest of the state and especially the Coast (Monterey, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Point Reyes, etc.) I do miss the Coast *sigh* Have a safe and super trip!

          twindragonsmum 😀



          I’m currently in Southern California LA area, but grew up in the Bay Area. I desperately miss it! I love the bay. I grew up in a town in the East Bay closer to the Oakland area. The weather is great, especially if you like overcast, cool days. I like the rain and adore thunder storms, you get these in the bay. Summers are usually mild. I don’t know how to describe it, but the general population and the atmosphere of the bay is wonderful. The public transportation system (BART, buses) is organized fairly well too. LA is just as everyone describes it: noticeably crowded, traffic 24/7, smoggy, hot, etc. Practically no rain. So if you like eternal sunshine, then it’s a good area to choose. There are the off chances that you’ll see celebrities around, but it doesn’t really offset the “rushed, all about me” feel of the area.

          I’d consider Oregon, Washington, Idaho panhandle areas. That part of the country is gorgeous.

          That’s just my 2 cents.


          I can’t comment on either location (I haven’t been to either state yet), but I will be in San Francisco in May for business for a couple of weeks. If you are still out there, it would be fun to meet up. 🙂


            I have adored the 3 weeks I have spent in San Francisco. But, alas, I need to get back to work. I have decided that if I want to be around film people I need to go to LA. I will be leaving the bay area on Saturday and I will take the amazing Pacific Coast Highway south. I am still ironing out the details of where I will live in LA, but I am excited to experience the challenges that lay ahead. I know several people in the film business in LA and I plan on meeting a lot more.


            Chiming in, it’s been super awesome road tripping vicariously through your posts. The furthest west I’ve been was Colorado, which was as amazing as I knew it would be. According to my folks, I almost ended up growing up there, instead of Florida. They road tripped out there during their honeymoon with the intent to find an area to reroot to. But alas, the folks did not find a patch of property during their road trip and life in FL got in the way of their dream.

            Personally, I’ve always wanted to reroot into the Midwest region that you’ve driven through. At least visit specific states some day.

            I’d love to be doing what you are doing right now, sans the seeking job thing of course.

            Good luck in your searching! And thanks for updating this thread during your journey. Sending good mojo juju your way with your job questing adventure.



              Very much good fortune in your future endeavors.I hope you will have an amazing life doing what you love.Have fun and make lots of money! Bon Voyage! :bigsmile:

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                I arrived in LA yesterday. I was able to find a room to rent in North Hollywood. Shame Windstone is no longer here. I have my hopes up for a few job opportunities. The weather is crazy hot, going to be like 95 here tomorrow. I guess I wanted warmer and sunnier and that’s what I got.

                And thanks for the good wishes 🙂

                And California is a gorgeous state to drive through. I simply loved seeing the Pacific Ocean.


                You drove all the way along the coast? Big Sur? Amazing you were able to leave! I always feel like channeling a three-year-old in the tantrum throwing department when it’s time to come home from Big Sur.


                  I’m driving down to LA myself in 6 days 🙂 Going to be a lovely drive!


                    I am taking the Greyhound bus out to the cost myself tomorrow! Not in the U.S. but to Vancouver, B.C. My friend just went out there to look for a place to move to and I have never been there so he’s going to help me out and show me round for a few days until my birthday on May 11! I hope it will be fun and cool to visit! I am going to take lots of pics of the coast and find some cool salsa dancing places while I’m there!

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      An update on me. I have been living in North Hollywood CA for a month and half now. I got a job at Universal Studios Hollywood. I have amazing roommates. I am a bit older than them, at 31, and most of them are in their 20’s. This doesn’t bother me at all though, in fact, they are making me feel younger and we do a lot of fun things together. I have been networking with other film professionals, and letting people know about my skills. My goal is to get an awesome colorist or film restoration job. In fact tonight I am going to a networking event sponsored by my college. So, I am loving living here. LA is congested, sunny and dry, but it’s also exciting and so different from my life in Chicago. I wanted a change of pace in my life, and I got it.


                      Awesome news! I’m really happy for you 🙂

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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