Joliesdragons–PYOs: Ocean FooP (page 3)

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      dear lord lady that griffon is fantastic!! I love how dark he is with the contrasting lighter feathers!


        He looks great 😉 If you hadnt said you were having problems I never would have guessed o.O


        Thanks gang! I think anyone who’s ever worked on a creative project knows a) they rarely go as planned and b) the artist sees all the flaws! LOL

        Looking forward to PYO dragons being back in the store, but I had a funny dream last night about a pair of winged wolves… 😉



        All right, here goes.

        (First off, this guy is proving impossible to fully capture on camera. I’ve decided he’s part ghost. Or vampire. LOL Seriously though, all those metallic reflective surfaces facing every which way are driving me buggy.)

        “Night Wolf”–PYO in progress (pic is clickable for larger shot):


        I actually managed to do pretty well wet blending on canvas with the same blue metallics. And in the house, he still looks pretty decent. But here, the blending is all off–instead of a relatively neat, smooth transition, he looks patchy. That middle shade is suddenly WAY brighter blue than it should be, and it covers most of the center of his wing. (pic is a bit more contrasty than it should be to show colors a little closer to real–even so, most of the colors in the coat are too subtle to see in this pic)

        I’m at the point now where I can’t remember if I added interference blue Pearl Ex to this batch of paint or not, but I don’t think I did. Paint is Sargent Liquid Metal blue, mixed with WN Galeria Mars Black–a tiny bit of black for the lightest shade, more for the middle, etc. Added both Golden’s Retarder & Liquitex’s Airbrush Medium (which thins the soft body Galeria a bit more than anything else I’ve tried, and worked *really* well with normal brushes on canvas), and used a wet palette to keep paint workable throughout. His eyes aren’t glued in yet, no clear coat in place, so he’s theoretically still fixable.

        Correcting the shading is going to be a PITA with those stars in the way. Is it worth doing?

        Do I just touch up the spots I truly can’t stand, and remind myself this was a first attempt?

        Throw it onto the concrete driveway from my second story office & start over?

        Other suggestions? (including ones not related to the wings)

        (And don’t get me started on the black undercoat/drybrush routine. Even with two HUGE daylight balanced photo floods to work by, macros I took outside still show dozens of tiny specks of white where the base coat apparently didn’t reach. Plus, it turns out I suck at dry brushing even more than at blending. I know, practice practice practice. Sigh.)


          Don’t be so hard on yourself! 🙂 I think he is pretty and I would say that the wing transitions are fine. I actually like the more abrupt transition, it looks like a real wing. If you want advice, though, I’m sure that the PYO artists can give you some.


            I adore winged wolves . He’s beautiful . Got a few coming my way soon . Painted ones . I love them . My weakness . And they make me happy . Good job on him .


            Give him to ME please do not smash him!! :love:

            Honestly, the ‘patchy’ bit made me think of clouds at night lit by the moon or the like.

            Whatever you do, please do not chuck him out the window! He is beautiful!


            Give him to ME please do not smash him!! :love:

            Honestly, the ‘patchy’ bit made me think of clouds at night lit by the moon or the like.

            Whatever you do, please do not chuck him out the window! He is beautiful!

            But he has wings–he’ll just fly if I open the window, right? 😉 (I’m sure he’d fly just fine…the landing, however…!)

            LOL–his main nickname since I started has been “annoying shiny wolf”. Partly for his reflectiveness, of course, partly for his reproachful expression when he sits on my desk, partly, of course, because he’s been an utter annoyance to paint. And partly for the “ooh, shiny!” grabby hands effect he seems to evoke. My best friend has already claimed him repeatedly. :bigsmile:

            Thanks to all of you for the reassurance. I think what bugs me the most is that this one is an intensely personal paint job, so much so that I’m not sharing his real name. He’s based on one aspect of a character I created, and in some ways that makes it harder that it isn’t coming out “perfect”. And as we know, I can’t seem to get past that whole perfectionist thing!

            For now, I’ve set him aside. on the other end of the office where I can see him in different lights at different times of day I’m a little afraid to do anything else to him right now, for fear of making things worse. And it might also be that I’m a little burnt out. He’s been more of a challenge than I thought he’d be after getting the blending right on canvas. I’ve spent so many days with these paint colors now, I’m a little sick of them.

            Meanwhile, I’m doing the basecoat on a small dragon that I have no color scheme for. I’m thinking if I just leave the wolf alone for a few days, I can look at him with clearer eyes and then decide if there’s anything else that needs to be done.

            The feedback on the blending does help. I hadn’t really thought about the real wing look or the “cloudy” effect, but now I do see both of those. Of course, now I’m tempted to actually ADD clouds. :p


              Looks fantastic to me! 😉


              I think he is wonderful Jolie and you did a great job. I have to say for a beginner like me you are kicking my butt in the talent department. Do not throw him……..he’ll just fly off……look back at you……stick his tongue out and go Pwwwwwwww. Off he’ll fly into the sky thinking…..I don’t know what the hell she thinks is wrong with me cuz I’M PERFECT JUST THE WAY I AM!!!! HEHE Trying to make you laugh!! Hope it helped!! 🙂


              I think he is wonderful Jolie and you did a great job. I have to say for a beginner like me you are kicking my butt in the talent department. Do not throw him……..he’ll just fly off……look back at you……stick his tongue out and go Pwwwwwwww. Off he’ll fly into the sky thinking…..I don’t know what the hell she thinks is wrong with me cuz I’M PERFECT JUST THE WAY I AM!!!! HEHE Trying to make you laugh!! Hope it helped!! 🙂

              LOLOL–yes, it did. And you’re right, Mr. Attitude Problem probably would do just that!


                Well I hope all goes well stripping him and starting over . I know if a clear coat is cloudy all you have to do is lightly re coat him .


                  Lovely ki-rin! 😀


                    I really like the “Night wolf” he looks great!



                    I really like the “Night wolf” he looks great!

                    Thanks! He’s spent all of today giving me fits–last tiny touch ups that suddenly materialized, satin clear coat I’ve used on all the others without a problem pulled up some of his color, and best (worst) of all–problems with his eyes and glue. I’ve been working on THAT little issue with a tiny brush and acetone for hours, it seems.

                    He’s determined to be the PYO that gets the most personal attention out of me, I guess! LOL Luckily he’s *almost* fixed, and eventually maybe I can start on the small dragon that’s patiently waiting on the other end of the desk.

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