Winter is too damn cold
January is a blustery baffle
What the forum wanted to know
Would there be a monthly raffle?
…and is it a dragon? Well, maybe that’s just what I’m dying to know. This is the free verse part, cause what the hell rhymes with dragon? Wagon? Who wants a poem about wagons…weirdos, that’s who!
…do you see what you’ve started Natashavonlemke? :bigsmile:
Do we want to take turns serenading Melody with our awesome poetry skills? We can make a rotating list, so everyone who wants a crack at it can take a month? Or we can all post our poems whenever and it will be a monthly freak storm of poetry madness :party:
Yep. Now I want a poem each month!
I don’t think you want one from me my best try would probably go like this – roses are red, violets are blue.
hahahaha!oh you guys can be so funny.I have to tell him this when he gets home today.It will make him laugh.He thought I was being silly when I asked him for a Windstone poem.He’s very smart and much better with words than myself.Can’t wait to see what y’all come up with also.
Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male day🤞Dream on.