Unsure if a jade version was even made in young but this does not look like my Emerald, seems much darker and not just due to lighting issues, is it from a layer of dust or could it be a jade?
It seems jade to me, with, of course, a generous layer of dust.
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I’m pretty sure that is a regular emerald. Could be darker than normal, but not a true jade. I can see several areas of the lighter “emerald” color (chest, wings, face, legs….)
I’m pretty sure that is a regular emerald. Could be darker than normal, but not a true jade. I can see several areas of the lighter “emerald” color (chest, wings, face, legs….)
I think it is jade, but I am not sure…do you see the way the gold color is right on top of -what appears to be- dark green on his chest? That was typical of the Jades). The true Emeralds had the gold color touching the lighter green
I am looking at the third picture. Can you see how on the dragon’s sides it goes from light to dark, and on the wings it goes from light to dark? On a true jade, it will be solid dark, no lighter green anywhere. Emeralds have three colors, jades have two, so when I am trying to see if something is jade or not, I look for the third color (light green).
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