
Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy?

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      Ssthisto wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      yes thank you for just jumping in. We don’t bite much!!

      I’m not afraid of YOU lot biting… I’ve been part of the furry fandom for years!

      Maybe I’ll be amazingly lucky and find a Windstone at a car boot sale somewhere over the holidays… eh, I can dream.

      Spark does furry! Are you aquainted?


        Furry is a big place. It’s like those people who say “Oh hey, you’re from Utah? My friend is from Utah, do you know her?” And I’m all “Er… several million people in Utah, so probably not.”

        Though I suppose it’s possible. Name’s not ringing any bells for me though.


          you never know where they will pop up. I saw couple in a motorcycle leather shop before a couple young brown ones if I remember correctly


            SPark wrote:

            Furry is a big place. It’s like those people who say “Oh hey, you’re from Utah? My friend is from Utah, do you know her?” And I’m all “Er… several million people in Utah, so probably not.”

            Though I suppose it’s possible. Name’s not ringing any bells for me though.

            I just thought you may have invited a friend to the forum. everyone here has so much in common, (Its uncanny, with the horses, the MLPs, the anime, etc etc!) I should have known better!


            SPark wrote:

            Furry is a big place. It’s like those people who say “Oh hey, you’re from Utah? My friend is from Utah, do you know her?” And I’m all “Er… several million people in Utah, so probably not.”

            Though I suppose it’s possible. Name’s not ringing any bells for me though.

            I’ve seen your website before – I also recognised the ‘suits. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d heard of me, say, five years ago, before I dropped out of the ‘public eye’ due to so many people thinking that reposting my art and mutilating it was ‘doing me a favour’.

            I’m sure I tried DRAWING a draconic character of yours at one point, but might never have actually shown it to you… IIRC, my drawing involved roller skating.


              *sings* its a small world afterall, its a small world after all!!! …


                Cool! I don’t think I’ve ever seen art of my character skating, other than the rollerblading one I did myself, so I guess not. (Now I’m curious… do you have the picture about still?)


                SPark wrote:

                Cool! I don’t think I’ve ever seen art of my character skating, other than the rollerblading one I did myself, so I guess not. (Now I’m curious… do you have the picture about still?)

                I’d have to dig it out – I don’t have a scan of it, and it’s from before I did digital art as much as I do now. It’s probably in storage in my garage somewhere. I definitely remember doing something that was going to be purple and peach, though!

                Thinking about it, it might even date back to when my website was on Furnation (and back then, it was “Dhriisi” and not “Ssthisto” that you clicked on to find me… )


                  He he he. Well, there aren’t that many purple and peach dragons out there.


                  Mmmmm…Purple…”Oh how I love Purple!!”- Kim Bassinger(Batman)
                  I think my first PYO dragon will be Violet and Green…My two favorites, even together! Made my mother make me a flourescent green and violet blanket once (crocheted granny squares) she hates it, and I love it. It is 20 yrs old now… 😯


                    WindstoneCollector wrote:

                    Mmmmm…Purple…”Oh how I love Purple!!”- Kim Bassinger(Batman)
                    I think my first PYO dragon will be Violet and Green…My two favorites, even together! Made my mother make me a flourescent green and violet blanket once (crocheted granny squares) she hates it, and I love it. It is 20 yrs old now… 😯

                    There’s a natural stone called fluorite (I think that’s how you spell it) that is a crystal that is purple and green together. Gorgeous. I’ll see if I can find an example.

                    This site has a picture of a buddha that is both colors together:



                    I recognized your name when you registered, Ssthisto.


                    vantid wrote:

                    I recognized your name when you registered, Ssthisto.

                    *chuckle* I thought you might – I did a digital painting for you on one of the LJ exchanges.



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