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    So, after going through hell with my Company, my son going through brain surgery in August, and staying at home with him and not getting paid for it I got a LOVELY box this weekend FILLED with GORGEOUS purple PYO Windstones (with lavender eyes!) lovingly painted by Frozen!! The card was simply wonderful too, I’ll type it up if anyone wants me to.


    I just want to thank you so incredibly much for how kind you have been to me through the…year(s)? You’ve offered me a place to vent, advice, shoulders to cry on, painting tips hehehe, wonderful additions to my collections hand-painted by several of you, and a most wonderful and caring environment in which to “play.” This just really took the cake!! For those of you who don’t know me, I love purple…no, I mean I LOVE purple! And to get all the PYOs I didn’t have in purple (very first unicorn!, a Ki-rin, and a griffie)- they are beautiful and one day I will take pictures of my collection- the purple WILL stand out I assure you. But all joking aside that was one of the most touching and wonderful gestures I have ever experienced and I will be brave and admit it- I started tearing up when I read the card (after assuring my husband I did NOT order any new Windstones when he glared at me and the big box). Many of you have been so very very kind through the years- from cookies during the holidays, to statues, to PYO swaps, to chocolate from overseas (OMG I’m drooling!), to kind gestures when I need them most and I want you to know none of it goes unnoticed and I appreciate it so much. Okay, I’ll stop now- but I love you guys (I’m just bad at writing and visiting!)!



      I’m glad you liked it…. 😀


        I hope things are starting to go better for you.


          Glad it made your day! 😀


          Things are decidedly different and I think different is good. I keep my head down at work, don’t speak unless spoken to, play with my little one after work- I tell you what, fearing for your child’s life is enough to change just about ANYONE’S perception of what actually matters in this life and I decided this company doesn’t matter in the least so am very detached- it’s wonderful. Due to insurance coverage on Kyle I owe the company vacation time from next year and after 1/15/2007 I am leaving because Kyle and I will be on my husband’s insurance- then I will be free to peruse the job market. Woot!


            That is good news, Cheryl! January will be here before you know it. I’m glad everything is going well with your son, too. 😀


              I’m so glad you enjoyed your big surprise and I’m very thankful to hear things are going okay for you!!! 😀 We’ll be marking off the days ’til January for you!!! 😉

              When you get time, could you please post the card, if it isn’t too much trouble. 🙂


              Absolutely! I can probably do it tomorrow, I have class tonight for 3 hours.


                Whatcha taking??? Something interesting I hope….


                *I* find it incredibly interesting- it’s Environmental Geology- I got a 106 on the first test (I’ll found out tonight what I got on the 2nd test)! I’m liking it so much because it’s giving me the positive reinforcement I previously looked for in my work environment and it’s nice to know I rise and fall on my own merit when judged on ability via my grade. It’s not a popularity contest- it’s just my knowledge of information. MAN I love school!


                  I’m so glad you’re doing better!! 😆



                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Yay, we get to see Cheryl on here again!
                    Man, frozen, if you were going to send her several PYOs we could have helped with the cost of those, too. You fooled us all. 😆


                      Yay, Cheryl! 😀 It’s so good to see you on here again, and I’m glad things are looking up!

                      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                      -J R R Tolkien

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