
"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4

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      MetalDragoness wrote:

      Where did you order it from? The scratcher is such a stunning sculpt! He also seems to be harder to find in red fire than the mother from what I`ve observed… πŸ˜‰

      I got him from http://www.magicalomaha.com/penarubydragons.htm but he’s not listed on the site for some reason. Support emailed me with the option to get the Male, Emp, or Scratching in Red Fire instead of the Mother, since she was out of stock.
      I’m just hoping that they DO indeed have the Scratching. πŸ˜•


        Magical Ohmaha is a great place to buy from. They are easy to deal with and they pack well. I have purchased a few things from them in the past. You shouldn’t be disappointed.


          Yeah, support was very easy to deal with. And it’s good to know that they pack well, thanks for the comforting news 8)


          I hope he`s in stock sagiaparri! I assure you that the red fire scratching dragon is gorgeous! I picked my RF scratcher up at the post office today. I`ve waited for around two weeks… I also picked up my red fire male dragon. I love the red fire colour. Now I`m about half way completing my red fire collection… πŸ˜€ Yeaaaah!!! The third dragon coming home with me from the post office today is my white fledgie. He`s such a cutie! They all arrived in excellent condition and I`m very happy about this! πŸ˜€


            MetalDragoness wrote:

            I hope he`s in stock sagiaparri! I assure you that the red fire scratching dragon is gorgeous! I picked my RF scratcher up at the post office today. I`ve waited for around two weeks… I also picked up my red fire male dragon. I love the red fire colour. Now I`m about half way completing my red fire collection… πŸ˜€ Yeaaaah!!! The third dragon coming home with me from the post office today is my white fledgie. He`s such a cutie! They all arrived in excellent condition and I`m very happy about this! πŸ˜€

            He was in stock, and has been shipped, yay! Not sure on an ETA yet, but I will eagerly be awaiting a package. πŸ™‚


            Great! Congrats! πŸ™‚


            This post is bittersweet. A friend of mine at Salvation Army called me and said they had a windstone dragon that had just come in. Naturally, I went to go see it. To my surprise, it was white. (White curled mother, I *think* it’s called.. I’m still trying to remember the names) I was stoked, but she is in really, really bad shape. A big chip on the wings and several small ones in other places. Also, her previous owner wrote a little love note on the bottom. As soon as I have my camera tonight I will take some pictures to post. They sold her to me for five dollars, so at least I can give the poor thing a good home. Maybe even get her repaired one day, if someone is up to the challenge.


              There are several users here that are good at restoring Windstones. Kyrin, Drag0nfeathers and Kalandra to name a few.


                Well, I was the one who bought the silver trio from keschete. 😳 I pretty much threw my one-Windstone-a-month rule out the window. πŸ˜† It was definitely worth it!! LUVS!!!

                Here they are with my male. He’s already very protective of them, as he was the only silver in my collection. lol

                On side note, I bought some galena on my trip this weekend. I didn’t realize it at the time, but it matches the silver Windstones perfectly (I give all my dragons a little hoard). I was going to give them my smoky quartz, but this is better! πŸ™‚

                *happy dance* πŸ˜€


                  That little hatching kinglet is looking like it’s just daring you to touch his precious. πŸ˜€


                    Those are gorgeous! And I love the idea of the dragons’ hoards; mine is only hoarding a Fuzzy at the moment.

                    I got the red Savannah griffon chick! Glad I budgeted plenty extra for them though, because someone else clearly liked him too.


                      Those look fantastic. I am so thrilled that they got a good home and that they even have their own hoard started!!! πŸ˜†


                      wow BD… those are awesome!! i really wanted them too but had to stick to my budget this month. πŸ˜₯ enjoy them, they look beautiful!


                        So pretty. I hope Melody has a chance to restock all the silvers… and make more of them in other sculpts soon enough πŸ™‚


                          Thanks, all! I love them dearly! πŸ™‚

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