"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4

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  • #754238
    Crimson Vision

      Adaneth wrote:

      Wow, quite a display! It looks fantastic 😀 (but I hope your area is secured when you’re not working!)

      I work for a Defense Contractor where you pretty much have to have a clearance to be in the area of my desk. 😉 I don’t have anyplace to display them at home that wouldn’t run the risk of animal damage. Will probably need to get myself a glass display case someday but for now I am happy I am able to enjoy them at work.


        Love your work display! We have to keep an eye out for a black grand uni to complete this picture! 😀


          Crimson Vision wrote:

          Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p

          Totally counts. Its about showing off your new acquisitions, no matter how you obtained them. Me, I get the Windstones I show on this thread by thievery. What’s your address again? =P


            Lokie wrote:

            Crimson Vision wrote:

            Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p

            Totally counts; its about showing off your new acquisitions, no matter how you obtained them. Me, I fund the Windstones I show on this thread by thievery. What’s your address again? =P

            *SNORK!!!* XD XD XD thievery – don’t we all??? 😀 i rob Peter to pay Paul all the time!

            twindragonsmum 😀



            Just had to show off what I got in the last couple weeks:

            A male black griffin on eBay for only $75 plus shipping! 😀

            And some shots of my three latest Poads! Cuttle Poad #4 is really dark, and I am loving her! 😀


              Awww. I love the cuttle Poad. Congrats on your new pretties!


              Ooh, pretty Poads! 😀

              I just received a beautiful blue pearl curlie and a gorgeous lavender pearl curlie from Romeodanny. Thanks again, Romeo, I just love them 🙂


                Crimson Vision wrote:

                Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p But here is a pic of my desk now!

                My boss already came over to admire them all. She wants to steal my blue Poad™. 😉

                Over run by unicorns! Do you have any desk space left to actually work? 😉


                  laphon1 wrote:

                  Over run by unicorns! Do you have any desk space left to actually work? 😉

                  Work….Pffftttt LoL


                  Those curlies look great together, Megani-chan! Congrats! 😀


                    Lokie wrote:

                    Crimson Vision wrote:

                    Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p

                    Totally counts. Its about showing off your new acquisitions, no matter how you obtained them. Me, I get the Windstones I show on this thread by thievery. What’s your address again? =P

                    1/4 MILE next to no where, Broke CA USA


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      Lokie wrote:

                      Crimson Vision wrote:

                      Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p

                      Totally counts. Its about showing off your new acquisitions, no matter how you obtained them. Me, I get the Windstones I show on this thread by thievery. What’s your address again? =P

                      1/4 MILE next to no where, Broke CA USA

                      Sounds nice. Do you have the GPS coordinates? I’m looking to move on up from Boxcar, MA. =P

                      Crimson Vision

                        laphon1 wrote:

                        Crimson Vision wrote:

                        Just got the white uni family last night, not sure if it counts here as I traded for them rather than bought. :p But here is a pic of my desk now!

                        My boss already came over to admire them all. She wants to steal my blue Poad™™. 😉

                        Over run by unicorns! Do you have any desk space left to actually work? 😉

                        LOL, I make do. 😉

                        Crimson Vision

                          LadyFirebird wrote:

                          Love your work display! We have to keep an eye out for a black grand uni to complete this picture! 😀

                          YES! YES WE DO! 😉


                            Congrats everyone on all your new pretties…. 😉


                          Viewing 15 posts - 721 through 735 (of 1,500 total)
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