*DOES HAPPY DANCE!!!!* I FINALLY GOT A SUNRISE LAP DRAGON!!! ITS BOUT DANG TIME!!! I’ve been trying for one since they came out on ebay, almost a year ago! FINALLY!!! I even had another forum member try to snag me one since I was almost never able to get online. I’ve bid EVERY time and been outbid EVERY time….18 tries later!!!!!! She’ll be coming home to me ^_^ AND, next month I’ll probably be able to pay off my credit card! I finally had enough of it, and decided I’d make that a priority! Woot!!
[img]http://i.ebayimg.com/03/!BUjYHJgB2k~$(KGrHgoH-CQEkJwwr(3WBKOEOgtdhg~~_12.JPG[/img] Its been almost a year since I’ve actually bought a special piece off ebay. I also ordered the last Amethyst curlie too. Now if I can get the 2 new flap cats and the Amethyst orientals when they make more 😀