
"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4

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      So jealous!! I haven’t found much in San Diego!! There is one store up in Temecula that sells Windstones. My parents live up there. They don’t have much I’m interested in though, which IS probably good since I’m feeling the economy enough for two! San Diego is huge too!! Where are all the Windstones? There aren’t even many on Craigslist…or I have the worst timing ever, haha!


        Is Armour Geddon going out of business or just stopping with the Windstones?? They where the store we had a LOT of trouble with about a year or so ago.
        They never returend phone calls or got back to people on shipping. They do not have the original boxes AND I got a price quote for the Rainbow and Ruby Emperor over the phone had to wait to get the money paypslled to me they did hold the dragons but I think it was the Ruby one I had problems with. The price they gave me over the phone was not the price in the computer so when I got there is was like $40 more in the computer but I had the money and since it was not for me and I did not have a phone number for the person it was for I paid the difference then got to my friends house across the street to package it up in one of MY Emperor boxes opened it up and there was a price tag on the bottom of the Emperor wih the lower price. I called them up and SCREAMED at the clerk over the phone since he just did not get the reason I was SO upset. I finally got him to give me a store credit for the diference so I had to walk back and find something to use my $40 credit on
        VERY unprofessional people to deal with back then


          The store in Oakridge is going out of business, but the store in Valco is staying open. They’re just trying to reduce inventory by having this huge 50% off sale.


            Shoot, that sucks Dragon Master, but I’d still deal with idiotic clerks in exchange for this slew of stores clearing inventory. Luckyyyy!!! 😉


              I don’t know which store Dragon Master had problems with, but when I went to the store that is closing in Oakridge, they were very nice to me. Then there was the threat that these people may be losing their jobs! In this sour economy I have been getting the best customer service even from my cable company! 😮 Too bad it takes a bad economy for companies to value their customers. I was very happy to get the items I did at 50% off, but we’ll see when they move everything to Vallco. I do want to support my local businesses and buy my Windstones from a local dealer. But if they are going to treat me badly then I rather purchase through the internet. 😛 I think we should post our experiences with our local dealers to 1) support them if they’re professional and appreciate their Windstone customers and 2) if not, hopefully it’ll get back to them that there are people who are dissatisfied with their store. Hopefully, it will encourage them to change their ways.


                My new Amethyst Male got here today! 😀


                  Very nice! 🙂


                    That purple is very yummy…
                    Very nice and congrats 😀 .


                      Congradulations, Tink! 🙂 He’s gorgeous–this color is starting to grow on me. That happens, I look at the picture posted and think–Naaawwww, but then I see this and it’s hmmmmmm, might get one if they become available the next time.


                        Laurie is jumping up and down and bounceing off the walls!!! “I won my Sushi!!!!” 😮 😮 😮 XD XD 😀 😀 😛 😆 😀




                            purpledragonclaw wrote:


                            Salmon Pearl lap dragon. Congrats Laurie!


                              Ah, thank you, Pegasi! Congrats, Laurie!!!


                                I just bought a male amethyst a few days ago-and just now I bought an amethyst curile and hatchling!!
                                I hope that the orientals take their time in coming back in stock so I can save up again for it!!
                                And I hope to get a fledgling/fledgie soon!
                                I am no longer just a hoofer collector! You guys have officially got me addicted! XD


                                  Laurie wrote:

                                  Laurie is jumping up and down and bounceing off the walls!!! “I won my Sushi!!!!” 😮 😮 😮 XD 😀 😀 😛 😆 😀

                                  Yay Sushi! 8)

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