
"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4

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      Leigha, I chuckled when I saw you went on a shopping spree this last weekend 😀 ! Glad you were able to get some great items at half off 😮 ! I’m going to go to the Oakridge location tomorrow and see what they have left. Who knows, I might be bragging about a great deal on a new piece myself! 🙂

      Well I have the entire Sunset Griffin family and I do love the coloring. I recently acquired a Black Male with peacock wings, a white coiled dragon and a sitting pearl chick–just this weekend! I also recently acquired the crouching pearl chick and have coming the male and female pearl! Who knows what I’ll get tomorrow?! 😀 😀 😀


        well I have to add one more to that “Spree” List

        I saw Kachina list her emerald Old Warrior in the flea market and jumped on the sale.

        He’s one that I’ve been looking and looking for! I’m finally going to get my emerald Old Warrior! yay!


          Ah, you’re the one that bought that OW! Congratulations! And congratulations, Kachina, on the sale!


          Yabbadabbadoo!!! Hot diggety damn!!! I went to the store closing mentions in another thread and I got 3! 3! 3! new display cabinets!! Now I have a place for my pore ol’ homeless Windstones that are sitting all over the place, the floor, the file cabinet, the tables, ledges, and getting dusty and occasionally chipped! The ones in the cabinets now are sitting all over each other and complaining loudly about the accomodations and starting fights when SOMEBODY has to sit on a claw or a paw because there is no room! They will be so happy to have some breathing room and stretch space!! It will be a lot quieter around here without all the yammering about how someone crowded them or couldn’t control their kids or had NO manners at ALL!!! and they are sure they made a mistake, there must a better place on the other side of the fence where they heard the grass was greener!!! (They heard that from the cows in California!!) So they are all excited about the new rooms and claiming dibs and wanting to know who is going to go where and why aren’t they here already and gossiping about the new neighbors who shouldn’t have priority because “last come, last served” after all! Whew! I will certainly be glad when they are here too! Maybe I can get some work done!! 😀
          I’m very excited, can you tell? I also bought a white young unicorn, a Swarovski crystal globe, and a small statue of a lab dog for a friend who has a live one just like it, and a small owl who looks like he is going to fly right off his perch! I just got the “dark dun” male grand unicorn and he is BEYOOTIFUL!!! I have to get my camera out of the shop and learn how to post pictures. Anyway, Hooray!!


            I can’t wait to see pics of that unicorn. He’s such an amazing piece. Congrats 😀


              I get to see the whole display so far on Sunday!! I’m pretty sure the new cases and displays will not be done by Sunday BUT I’ll know how to get there for next time
              (get a truck!!) 👿


                Congrats, everyone! So many new goodies 😀 photos, photos!


                  Must be something in the air that makes us all spend money we don’t really have :spank: 🙄 HeeHeeHee But I went to that closing store myself this morning. HeeHee! It’s like WoooHooooo and BooooWhoooooo! But how could anyone in their right mind, ahem, their right Windstone mind, pass up a 50% sale on Windstones! 😮 So I heard my check book do a mournful squeal as I got these items:

                  Male Black Gold
                  Coiled Black Gold
                  Fledgie Black Gold
                  Young in Gold
                  Tiger Kitten

                  Also from another source, I just received my Pearl Female Griffin. Ooooo it was just like Christmas here! 😀 😀 😀 Now I have the mess and the bills to prove it! :shout: :yes: XD (Gonna need some display cases myself soon before I start hearing the fights, yammering, pissing and moaning!) I now have (drum roll) 16 Windstones and counting and 4 PYOs and have started working on one!


                    yay!! lol good buys!


                      My amethyst fledgie just came in the mail today!


                      She is almost the exact color of my dragon character, is the fun thing. 😀 The only difference is the eye color. Too bad I can’t easily swap them out. Oh well. She is perfect anyhow.


                        Wow, no sign of an economy slump in this thread! Congrats, everyone! 😆


                          No kidding, GB!


                            Or it could be something in the water… 😆 Congrats guys! And thank you Leigha, for the heads up about the store. :yes:

                            Drove down to Oakridge and splurged. Got their Black Gold Emperor, the Sunset Mother Griffin and her Sunset Crouching Chick. My first Emperor and griffins! And holy mackerel, they match! 😆 Well worth a three hour round trip. Will post pics when I can.

                            Must now behave for a very long while… Please guys, beat me with a large trout if I look sideways at anything more than an unpainted PYO keeper for the next few months. 🙄

                            I listed their inventory so as of noon today, Armor Geddon in Oakridge has or had:
                            White Male Unicorn
                            Female Wolf Griffin (very handsome one IMO)
                            Crouching Sunset Chick
                            Black Gold Fledgling (chipped)
                            Paper Tiger (chipped)
                            Owl Sconce
                            Dragon Sconce
                            Hippogriff Candle Holder
                            The Critic gargoyle bookends (chipped pair)
                            Stone Dragon bookends (pair)

                            I kinda melted over the Black Gold chipped fledgling so if anyone here gets it, please tell me, I’d like to know where he went.

                            Darn it, I’m in the flipping Bay Area and don’t know a single place within an hour of me with a good selection. Must… fix… somehow…


                              Congradulations, Maplecarver, on your purchases! I was there yesterday and picked up a Black Gold Fledgling but he wasn’t chipped. He is cute! Aren’t those prices amazing! I mean, Windstones for 50% off! I did damage myself and have to now start paying all this off! Hopefully, I won’t lose my job for the next few months!


                                Nice going, girls. Congrats on your new pieces as well. 😀

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