I have a new acquisition

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      And my cats don’t know what to think.

      ((that’s a ball python given to me by someone who attends SIU with me. He came free, so I brought him home.))



          They are mesmerized just like Mowgli in “The Jungle Book”! He’s lovely! How fun you get to keep him 😀




            I scared the Sh*t out of them when I moved the clothes hamper to get a better picture. They both flew sky high and scattered like flakes of paper somebody sneezed on.

            It was great!


              That’s hysterical! 😆 😆 😆 They’ll probably be jumpy for a few days but, hey, between the kitties and the snakey you shouldn’t ever have a rodent problem 😯 😆 😆




                I miss my ball python, I had to give him up when my husband got really sick. He was cool but I hated to feed him live rats and thats all he would eat. His name was Pliskin and he lives with a bunch of students down in Washington DC.


                  I don’t mind feeding live, but I think I’m going to try to get him switched to frozen/thawed if possible (if he doesn’t eat the live ones when offered, I’ve no place to keep them, I’ll have to off them anyway). The gal that gave him to me says he hasn’t eaten in about a month, but it doesn’t surprise me too much, considering it’s winter.

                  This will certainly be a learning experience.


                    Wow! That is so cool! I’m jealous 😀

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                      Mine was raised on live feeders. I got him from a reptile breeder when he was very young. I tried and tried to switch him over to frozen feeders but he just wouldn’t have it. He would starve himself rather then eat a dead rat. I know ball’s can be very picky eaters but mine never turned down a live meal. I fed him every week to every other week. He was a pig.


                      That snake looks really neat! How big is he? He wont eat your cats, right?


                        eaglefeather831 wrote:

                        That snake looks really neat! How big is he? He wont eat your cats, right?

                        He’s about 3.5-4 ft long. Good sized fellow.

                        I think the cats are too big for him to eat, but he might hurt them. I’ve got a cornsnake too that they showed interest in at first in sort of the same way, then he just kind of lost his new-ness and they left him in peace. I’m going to put a couple shelf pieces over the screen on the tank, though, just in case they get curious and get up there to look.


                          purpledoggy wrote:

                          Mine was raised on live feeders. I got him from a reptile breeder when he was very young. I tried and tried to switch him over to frozen feeders but he just wouldn’t have it. He would starve himself rather then eat a dead rat. I know ball’s can be very picky eaters but mine never turned down a live meal. I fed him every week to every other week. He was a pig.

                          Did you feed him in another container or did you just put the rat in his tank with him?


                            I would put the rat in the tank with him. I know some people say not to do that but I never had a problem. The only time he ever tried to bite me was when he was shedding and I wasn’t paying attention. He hissed and lunged at me but didn’t get me. If he would have it would of been my own fault. He really was a very sweet and docile snake. I know they say if you take some gerbil droppings and put a thawed feeder in with those so it picks up the smell they might eat it then. It didn’t work for me but you can try.


                              I know SPark has snakes so you could aways talk to her for some advice.


                                this guy is a champ. He’s got the little spurs at his vent, so I assume he’s male. He came with the name Rufio, but that may or may not change. He peeked out at me and watched me during the drive and then settled right in once his tank stopped moving.

                                I’ll wait a couple more weeks before offering him food. I don’t want to have to kill a rat every time he won’t eat (wonder if the pet store would take it back and give me a credit?)

                                pegasi1978 wrote:

                                I know SPark has snakes so you could aways talk to her for some advice.

                                I have a cornsnake already, but he’s the most low maintenance animal I’ve ever seen. I put him in a feeding box with a thawed mouse and he scarfs it, no problem.

                                I’ve been reading up on balls though!

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